WTS Kingdom Hall Asset Grab

by Ultimate Reality 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    Many here are familiar with the WTS request to "hold" the cash funds of congregations so that a higher rate of interest can be earned, not for the local congregation benefit, but for the Society to use in the Worldwide Work. In particular, the funds are loaned, with interest, to other congregations that need to build or remodel halls.

    However, a new opportunity has presented itself to the WTS.

    Our Hall recently passed a resolution based on the Society's review of the Congregation's articles of incorporation. It was resolved to change the dissolution clause so that if the Congregation is ever liquidated, the proceeds for the sale of the property automatically goes to the WTS.

    This "suggestion" was based on the WTS legal department's review. Of course, the local congregation did not retain their own counsel for legal advice in this matter.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Of course, the local congregation did not retain their own counsel for legal advice in this matter.

    And why should they have? Counsel would just cost money. We all know that MOTHER
    has our best interests in mind. We are one big happy family.

    A caring MOTHER would never kick out the children from the family home because the
    children, having worked at home for decades, are no longer needed. A caring MOTHER
    would recognize that the children took care of MOTHER all those decades, so now it's
    time to take care of them.

    Same with your cong. property. MOTHER has provided you with so much. You all know
    that MOTHER won't suddenly decide to dissolve your cong. and reassign you all to nearby
    congs. because she has some lawsuits to settle and wants the money. NO, MOTHER will
    carefully explain the whole situation in a letter and see what the cong. feels about the
    lawsuits and how the cong. wants to help out. Don't hold your breath on that one.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I wonder if that is a legal loophole that meant that once a congregation is dissolved, it no longer needs to recognize the corporation known as WTB&TS, and therefore could do what it wants with the property?

  • besty

    In England and Wales each congregation is registered separately as an individual Charity. In the case where the KH is an asset owned without debts I would assume the charity holds the asset. So for a London cong who are sitting on a multi-million GBP asset it would be interesting to see what happens if the cong was dissolved.

    "Brothers we are selling the KH for 2 million pounds - there are 100 publishers - where do you want us to send your 20k check?"

    Not gonna happen.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    In England and Wales each congregation is registered separately as an individual Charity. In the case where the KH is an asset owned without debts I would assume the charity holds the asset. So for a London cong who are sitting on a multi-million GBP asset it would be interesting to see what happens if the cong was dissolved.

    In view of the Charity Commission consultation that situation may change though?

  • watson

    Another reason for eliminating the "BS?" If they liquidate some halls, this gives another evening that the remaining halls can host congregations. Consolidation of congregations into fewer halls allows for the sale of assets.

  • journey-on
    Our Hall recently passed a resolution based on the Society's review of the Congregation's articles of incorporation. It was resolved to change the dissolution clause so that if the Congregation is ever liquidated, the proceeds for the sale of the property automatically goes to the WTS.

    That just plain sucks. But the B&S put all their faith and trust in Mother Borg and they just know that she is doing what is in the best interest of Jehovah's purposes.

    Can you imagine how valuable some of the property is that older KHs sit on in the major cities that have expanded to the outskirts of the county! Some of that property

    is probably now worth millions and don't think the WTB&TS, INCORPORATED doesn't know that! But the r&f see nothing wrong with the corporation making big bucks

    off the little publisher's hard work. It's all about the $$$. Look for some of these KHs to be sold off in the very near future. I'm sure WT Legal and Finance are working overtime

    in New York right now getting it all sorted out. You said this just happened recently? Who is next, I wonder. I can think of two or three older small KHs right now sitting on

    some very valuable major Highway or Interstate property. If I were the PO of any of these, I would hire a good attorney, but we all know how well that would sit with Mother!

  • besty
    In view of the Charity Commission consultation that situation may change though?

    Hi MM - I think the consultation period is long gone and now it remains to be seen how the Commission will intepret 'public benefit' especially in the light of any complaints they receive about harmful behaviour.


    The best thing an individual JW or ex-JW can do is write to the Commission outlining the harmful effects they have personally suffered due to WTS teachings and policies, with the appropriate WTS quotes to back up your points.


    Wrong approach - The Watchtower teaches disfellowshipping. This is not in the Bible. The Greek word in 1 Thess. 5:13 is the same as the word in 1 Cor. 148:392 and in one the WT translates it to mean marking and in another it means shunning and the prodigal son didn't have to sit at the back for 6 months and blah blah blah.

    The Commission is not interested in doctrinal interpretations, it's not there to adjudicate on religious differences.

    Right approach: (IMHO) - My wife and I were disfellowshipped from lifetime membership of the JW religion for being in disagreement with some of their teachings. These teachings included denying babies life-saving medical care and refusing to treat child abuse as a crime with full and open cooperation with the police.<insert media links> Being disfellowshipped means our entire social network and immediate JW family refuse to speak to us or have any normal social interaction unless we recant and submit to their intentionally degrading and humiliating quasi-judicial process. In fact they are encouraged to hate us. <Insert WT quote describing hating apostates like snakes etc> I believe that disfellowshipping and the incitement to hatred is a form of psychological torture and is in breach of Article 1, amongst many others, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Along with the other issues mentioned - banning certain forms of normal medical treatment and ongoing organisationally sponsored child abuse coverups - I belive the WTS are practising wilful harmful behaviour against their current and ex-members. For that reason I urge the Commision to open a full investigation into the WTS etc etc

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    I think watson is on to something. The public talks were reduced by 15 minutes in 2008 and the BS is no more in 2009.

    With the reduction of talk times, more additional congregation meetings could fit into the Sunday schedule. With the elimination of the BS, 4 or 5 congregations would fit per auditorium.

    This would be in line with all the other penny-pinching that is happening.

    The Society's review of the dissolution is part of a process (with a special reporting form) that is being done in the US and am I sure wherever else it is approppriate.

    Many halls in expensive urban areas have been around for some time and have zero debt. By 2010 we can expect to see the wholesale destruction of many individual halls...sorry, I got my thoughts mixed up in a Finished Mystery prophecy. I mean, the loving Governing Body bringing the worldwide congregation closer together for the benefit and protection of the flock as the end draws near.

  • yknot

    Belated Welcome Ultimate Reality!

    Viva La Liquide!

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