Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-19-04 WT Study (Abbreviated)

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-19-04 WT Study (November 15, 2004 issue)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "Go, prophesy to my people."?Amos 7:15

    Alternate Translation.?Book Chapter:Verse (TRANSLATION) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    What comes to mind when I read the title theme scripture?

    God?s Word or the WT doctrine?

    Why are we back in the OT again? Are there no examples of Christians speaking God?s Word with boldness?

    Are JWs to be considered prophets then especially if you consider this oft WT-quoted scripture Amos 3:7:

    For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.

    The WTS uses this to establish their authority to interpret the Bible and their role as prophets.


    10/1 p. 17 Jehovah Blesses and Protects Those Who Are Obedient

    Another reason for confidence is that "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) Today, Jehovah does not inspire prophets as in the past; instead, he has commissioned a faithful slave class to provide timely spiritual food to his household. (Matthew 24:45-47) How important, therefore, that we have an obedient attitude toward that "slave"!


    9/1 pp. 12-13 Show a Waiting Attitude! ***

    As Bible prophecies undergo fulfillment, our understanding of the Scriptures is refined. At times, though, we may think that a certain clarification is overdue. If it is not forthcoming when we would prefer it, are we willing to wait? Remember, Jehovah saw fit to reveal "the sacred secret of the Christ" a little at a time and over a period of some 4,000 years. (Ephesians 3:3-6) Do we, then, have any reason to be impatient? Do we doubt that a "faithful and discreet slave" has been appointed to give Jehovah?s people "their food at the proper time"? (Matthew 24:45) Why deprive ourselves of godly joy because not everything is completely understood? Remember, Jehovah decides when and how to reveal his ?confidential matters.??Amos 3:7.

    See a similarity with the next quote the year before?


    10/1 p. 5 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***

    On the other hand, if we fail to understand fully certain Bible texts or explanations

    provided in Watch Tower publications, do we have reason to become impatient?
    Awaiting Jehovah?s appointed time to clarify matters is the course of wisdom. "For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) What a marvelous promise! But we must realize that Jehovah reveals his confidential matters at the time he deems advisable. For that purpose God has authorized a "faithful and discreet slave" to provide his people with "their [spiritual] food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) There is, therefore, no reason for us to become overly concerned, or even agitated, that certain matters are not fully explained. Rather, we can be confident that if we patiently wait on Jehovah, he will provide, through the faithful slave, what is needed "at the proper time."


    4/15 p. 256 Announcements ***

    Many believe that the 1970?s will see drastic changes in man?s affairs, some hoping for the better, others fearing the worst. What is your view? Whether good or bad, no man knows for sure unless Jehovah God himself reveals it. Will he do so? His own Word says, Yes! Through his prophet Amos, Jehovah has promised: "For the Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) Do not guess! And do not be unprepared! Whatever the future holds, it can work to your good if you read the Bible regularly, assisted by The Watchtower.

    What has the WTS said about prophets today?


    10/1 p. 27 Be as Men Who Are Facing Har?Magedon Unafraid ***

    In behalf of such individuals who at heart seek God?s rule instead of man?s rule, the "prophet" whom Jehovah has raised up has been, not an individual man as in the case of Jeremiah, but a class. The members of this class are, like the prophet-priest Jeremiah, wholly dedicated to Jehovah God through Christ and, by the begettal of Jehovah?s holy spirit, they have been made part of "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession." (1 Peter 2:9) At this late date there is a mere remnant of this "prophet" class yet on earth. The "war of the great day of God the Almighty" at Har?Magedon could not start before this composite "prophet" ends his work.

    Holy Spirit book chap. 8 p. 148 "Spirit of Life from God Entered into Them"

    The holy spirit, which Jehovah prophesied that he would pour out in the last days, has not ceased to operate, for the remnant are still baptizing disciples of Christ in the name of that spirit. (Matthew 28:19, 20; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21) The announced purpose behind God?s pouring out of his spirit upon all sorts of flesh was that the recipients thereof might prophesy. The facts substantiate that the remnant of Christ?s anointed disciples have been doing that prophesying to all the nations for a witness in favor of God?s kingdom. Logically, then, they must be the ones upon whom God?s spirit has actually been poured out. That spirit is behind their worldwide preaching. Why argue about it?


    Paragraphs 1,2

    While engaging in the ministry, a witness of Jehovah (where is Christ?) was confronted by a priest. The priest cried out: ?Stop preaching! Leave this area!? What did the witness do?

    What is/was the policy in your old congregation? I was told to avoid confrontation and leave and go elsewhere and come back at a latter time.

    This poorly selected illustration is used to introduce the reader to Amos who had a similar experience. Why is it that the WTS cannot find an example of preaching with boldness in the NT?

    "Go, Prophesy"

    Paragraphs 3,4

    Amos?was neither born as a prophet?s son nor trained as a prophet. Of all the people in Judah, thought, Jehovah chose Amos?God did not select a powerful king, a learned priest, or a wealthy chieftain (CO/elder/large donator).

    This provides a reassuring lesson for us. We may possess little in the way of secular status or formal education (due to the WTS "encouragement" to forgo college and take a lowly job and go in the full-time ministry). But should that make us feel unqualified to preach God?s word? By no means!

    Jehovah can equip us to proclaim his message?even in challenging territories (such as the US, Canada, Britain, Europe were the increase was non-existent in 2004).

    "Go, prophesy to my people Israel."

    Winter houses, summer houses, expensive hewn stone, elegant ivory-inlaid furniture, wine from the desirable vineyards, complacent?.

    Similar to that in which some of us perform our ministry today.

    Materialism, materialism, materialism; blame the people they call on not the lackluster, deceptive message delivered by less than enthusiastic JWs.

    Not wrong to have material possessions but Israelites had amassed by dishonest means, defrauding, conspiring to rob the poor ?what application are they making?if wealthy you must be a thief?

    God?s Law Violated

    Paragraphs 6-11

    Merchants cheated?price was too high?quality inferior?exploited poor to the point of ruin?had to sell themselves as slave?greedy merchants?religious but only outwardly.

    How did the merchants get away with breaking God?s Law, which commands: "You must love your fellow as yourself?" (Leviticus 19:18)

    And the answer the WTS gives is correct.

    They succeeded because those who should have enforced the Law?the judges?were their (the merchants) partners in crime. At the city gate, where legal cases were handled, the judges ?took hush money and turned aside poor people.? Instead of protecting the poor, the judges betrayed them for a bribe. (Amos 5:10,12) So the judges too were ignoring God?s Law.

    I know of one case where a confessed child molester, arrested and convicted, was DF?d for 8 months, that?s right 8 months. Why? Because he was deep into business with several elders and MS in that congregation. What about the victims?

    Yes, "instead of protecting the poor, the judges betrayed them for a bribe."

    What role were Israel?s priests playing?An Israelite father and his son committed sexual immorality with the same temple prostitute. And those wicked priests were turning a blind eye to such immorality!

    Was the sin that they had sex with someone they weren?t married to, that a father and son had sex with the same woman, or that she was a temple prostitute?

    Do some elders turn a blind eye to immorality in their congregation? I can remember an elder?s daughter turning up pregnant and nothing was ever announced, reproof or DF?ing. When some brave person asked about it, they were told the reproof was private?private reproof and a publicly pregnant, single woman. Since then, I have seen that same scenario played out 4 more times in 3 different congregations. Always elders? daughters. (my apology to any elders? daughters, it was just my experience it happened this way).

    Can you think of those cases where they elders had a blind eye?

    The Israelites were shamelessly violating the two greatest commandments of the Law?to live Jehovah and to love their fellow humans. God thus sent Amos to condemn them for their unfaithfulness.

    Does the WTS apply this to themselves though?

    Today, the nations of the world, including those of Christendom, reflect the corrupt condition of ancient Israel. While some people prosper, many are ruined financially and damaged emotionally by the immoral practices of dishonest leaders of big business, politics, and false religion.

    (Rutherford?s Big Three: Big Business, Politics, False Religion)

    Therefore, he has assigned his present-day servants to do a work like that of Amos?to preach His word boldly.

    Better the WTS clean up their own house first.

    How We Can Imitate Amos

    Paragraphs 12-14

    As Jehovah?s Witnesses (not as Christians, eh?), we center our Christian ministry on the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work.

    We also draw attention to God?s warnings
    (like 1975 and the 1914 generation?)

    1966--Hence, the fact that we are nearing the end of the first 6,000 years of man's existence is of great significance.. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975.

    1995--There were strong expectations concerning the year 1975 and what it might mean in the fulfillment of Jehovah's purpose. Some set their hearts on that date as the time when the old system would be destroyed and God's new world would be established.

    1988--Might it be, though, that the sign could occur over the span of many human generations? No. The sign is to occur during one particular generation. The same generation that witnessed the beginning of the sign will also witness its climax

    -Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics.

    You might want to look at 1914 and 1925.

    Were these warnings reliable, lifesaving?

    God had revealed to Noah that the Flood was coming and had instructed him to sound a warning. Similarly, Jehovah told Amos to give a final warning.

    Will the WTS be just as reliable as in the past?

    Sadly, Israel ignored that divine message and failed to take the right action (as dictated by the WTS, of course.)

    No doubt you will agree (buzz phrase) that there are some striking similarities between the time of Amos and our own day. Jesus Christ prophesied that numerous calamities would take place during the time of the end. He also foretold a worldwide preaching work. (Matthew 24:3-14)

    What is the new understanding about earthquakes? Are they more numerous and greater in strength as the WTS has said?

    Will the preaching work reach every person? What about China, India, Muslim countries? Will eternal destruction without a resurrection be their fate? What about their children?

    As in Amos? day, though, most people (except for 6 million JWs) ignore both the signs of the times and the Kingdom message (as preached by JWs).

    Actually, many people believe that we are living in the "end times" and "preach" about the Kingdom of God. Most JWs hardly mention the Kingdom, Jehovah or Jesus in their presentation. They are known for not celebrating Christmas, not taking blood transfusions, not saluting the flag, not joining the military, not, not not.

    For such individuals, the consequences will be the same as those faced by unrepentant Israelites. Jehovah warned them: "Get ready to meet your God." (Amos 4:12) They met God by experiencing his adverse judgment when Assyria conquered them. Today, this ungodly world will ?meet God? at Armageddon.

    Ooooh, the WTS used the "A" word. Are the "consequences" the same though? Did the bad Israelites of Amos? day receive a selective execution or did faithful Israelites suffer as well at the hands of the Assyrians? Did they descend into the eternal destruction the WTS holds out for those at Armageddon?

    "Search for Jehovah, and keep living."?Amos 5:6

    Search for Christ?!?

    Facing Opposition as Amos Did

    Paragraphs 15-18

    We can imitate Amos (why not a NT example?) in what we preach but also in how we preach.

    Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, Israel?s apostate religion, which involved calf worship?a priest of the State religion.

    Amos 7:12,13?In effect, Amaziah said: "Go home? We have our own religion." He also tried to get the government to ban the activities of Amos?accused Amos of treason (Amos 7:10) "Amos has conspired against you right inside the house of Israel."

    "This is what Amos has said, ?By the sword of Jeroboam will die; and as regards Israel, it will without fail go into exile from its own ground.?"?Amos 7:11

    Into those words, Amaziah packed three misleading statements.

    He said: "This is what Amos has said." Yet, Amos had never claimed to be the source of the prophecy. Instead, he had always stated: "This is what Jehovah has said." (Amos 1:3)

    Amos was also accused of saying: "By the sword of Jeroboam will die." As recorded at Amos 7:9, however, Amos had prophesied: "I [Jehovah] will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with a sword." God had foretold such calamity for Jeroboam?s "house," his posterity.

    Furthermore, Amaziah alleged that Amos had said: ?Israel will without fail go into exile.? But Amos had also prophesied that any Israelites who returned to God (what go to Judah to worship?) would receive blessings.

    Clearly, Amaziah used distorted half-truths in an effort to obtain an official ban on the preaching work by Amos.

    Well, now we understand why the WTS used an OT example?how else could they work in this current day application.


    The WTS does claim to be a prophet. Have past prophecies about 1914, 1925, 1975, the 1914 generation proved to be true?

    The WTS does say that all governments are to be destroyed and that they support that eventuality, that all governments are controlled by Satan the Devil.

    The WTS does say that only dedicated, baptized JWs will survive, all others will die whether they were preached to directly or are only 6 years old.

    Certain priests, prelates and patriarchs of our day try to block the preaching work of Jehovah?s servants (where is Christ?). Are only JWs being affected?

    17 December 2004 AZERBAIJAN: "We want freedom ? freedom in society, freedom of faith and freedom to worship"

    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    A Protestant Pastor has described what Christians want to Forum 18 News Service as "we want freedom ? freedom in society, freedom of faith and freedom to worship, freedom from the state so that it no longer interferes." One example of many incidents was a police raid in which the police halted a worship service, questioned all those present, and later tried to recruit the church leader as an informer. That congregation has been unable to meet for worship since. Police raids and harassment take place throughout Azerbaijan, with many believers involved being too frightened to speak out. As one pastor put it, "sometimes their own relatives don't even know they've become Christians." A pastor told Forum 18 that Baha'is and Jehovah's Witnesses face the same pressure from the authorities as Christians, as do independent Muslim and Hare Krishna communities. The authorities have denied to Forum 18 that religious persecution happens in Azerbaijan. [read more...]

    Today, some clergymen likewise falsely accuse Jehovah?s Witnesses of being a threat to national security.

    Opposers Cannot Stop Our Preaching Work

    Paragraphs 19-21

    When it comes to speaking God?s word, we will not disobey our god even in lands where modern-day Amaziah are fomenting cruel persecution.

    1970?s--Malawi?cruel persecution for not buying political cards

    1970?s--Mexico?cruel persecution avoided by bribing officials to get military cards

    1991-2001?WTS in nongovernmental organization associated with UN to get a library card

    Godly fear, or deep reverence for Jehovah, impelled Amos to speak with boldness.

    Why did early Christians speak with boldness?

    Why not this passage?

    New International Version (NIV)

    29Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus."

    31After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

    Neither persecution incited by opposers nor complacency displayed by those to whom we preach will silence us. Showing zeal (which JWs have not been)?impelled to continue declaring the good news with boldness. We have a responsibility to warm people of Jehovah?s coming judgment.

    That will turn people on at the door: Excuse me, did you know that if you don?t listen and do what JWs say, you will die forever.

    Concluding Comments

    This is the first of a 3 parter.

    2) Jehovah?s Judgment Will Come Against the Wicked (everyone who is not a baptized, dedicated JW)

    3) Search for Jehovah, the Examiner of Hearts (assisted by the WTS/FDS/GB)

    Learn next week that the WTS is free of lies and distortions by their own report. Learn the week after about avoiding idle luxury and selfish goals.

    Love, Blondie
  • ezekiel3

    Thank you for your comments Sister Blondie. (Rustling of papers and book bags heard) And now we'll close the meeting with song #6. Please stand as we sing "Declare the Everlasting Good News" taken from Revelation 14:6-8. (Music begins, then over the music:) Oh, and there will be a meeting for field service in about 15 minutes up in the front of the hall... (Comment ignored, congregation begins singing humming).

    So much for boldness.

  • ColdRedRain

    On the other hand, if we fail to understand fully certain Bible texts or explanations provided in Watch Tower publications, do we have reason to become impatient? Awaiting Jehovah?s appointed time to clarify matters is the course of wisdom. "For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) What a marvelous promise! But we must realize that Jehovah reveals his confidential matters at the time he deems advisable. For that purpose God has authorized a "faithful and discreet slave" to provide his people with "their [spiritual] food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) There is, therefore, no reason for us to become overly concerned, or even agitated, that certain matters are not fully explained. Rather, we can be confident that if we patiently wait on Jehovah, he will provide, through the faithful slave, what is needed "at the proper time."
    Something that always got me about the Watchtower when I was an exiting dub was how they were to be considered the sole source truth, no matter if they switched to a position that most mainstream churches have (I.e. organ transplants, innoculations, etc). The question that got me was if the WT was the sole source of truth, and they switched to something the mainstream churches believe, wouldn't that mean that the mainstream churches had the truth all along and the JW's are just biblical kooks?

  • Badger

    (((Blondie, again))))

    A whole WT article on Amos? That's like a Behind the Music on Dexy's Midnight Runners.

    Edited to add: "Boldness" is the LAST thing that most Elders or the WTS want their sheep to have any of.

  • willyloman
    Were these warnings reliable...?

    Why, gosh, no, they weren't!

    [has lightbulb moment... smacks head with palm of hand].

    Thinking back, I suppose that's why we left. It was the realization that we couldn't rely on anything we heard at the KH. It was all fantasy and just didn't square with the reality we saw going on all around us.

  • jgnat

    ..and just think of it, two more weeks of Amos study. I found the relentless message of judgement wearing. Typically, any bible prophecy of warning is followed by a promise of restoration. Do these Watchtower articles provide a balanced message? By comparison, my study bible (of Christendom's churches) outlines Amos' message this way. First, all the neighbouring countries are critically judged (the audience goes "Yaaah!"), then Israel itself, is criticized (the audience, from Judah, cheers again). Finally, Amos pronounced God's judgement on Judah itself (the audience tells him to shut up). Yes, this is the typical human pattern. It is so much easier to judge others than to look at ourselves.

    The appropriate application of Amos' message, then, would be for the Watchtower society to honestly look at their own shortcomings, and correct them before it is too late.

    As a counterbalance for the next few weeks, here is God's final promise. I don't wonder if Israel is experiencing this restoration today.

    Amos 9:11 NIV

    "In that day I will restore
    David's fallen tent.
    I will repair its broken places,
    restore its ruins,
    and build it as it used to be,

    12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom
    and all the nations that bear my name, [f] "
    declares the LORD , who will do these things.

    13 "The days are coming," declares the LORD ,
    "when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman
    and the planter by the one treading grapes.
    New wine will drip from the mountains
    and flow from all the hills.

    14 I will bring back my exiled [g] people Israel;
    they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.
    They will plant vineyards and drink their wine;
    they will make gardens and eat their fruit.

    15 I will plant Israel in their own land,
    never again to be uprooted
    from the land I have given them,"
    says the LORD your God.

    f. Amos 9:12 Hebrew; Septuagint so that the remnant of men / and all the nations that bear my name may seek the Lord

    g. Amos 9:14 Or will restore the fortunes of my

  • BluesBrother

    Par 14 was the one that i noted.....

    As in Amos? day, though, most people ignore both the signs of the times and the Kingdom message For such individuals, the consequences will be the same as those faced by unrepentant Israelites. Jehovah warned them: "Get ready to meet your God." (Amos 4:12) They met God by experiencing his adverse judgment when Assyria conquered them. Today, this ungodly world will ?meet God? at Armageddon.

    There we are . Once again we have a chilling statement that to "Ignore" the.message of the WTBTS will result in a horrible death. Where does this stand in a world that needs above all tolerance and understanding? Al Quada are rightfully despised for teaching that all except those practising their brand of Islam deserve to die.. Is that really so different in principle to this statement?

    OK I know that there is no question of JW's spomsoring acts of terrorism but the hatred of other religions and of the "system" is little better, the difference being that they will just sit back and allow a supposedly loving god do it all. It also proves them to be liars when they answer a straight "No" on their website to the FAQ " Do they [JW's} believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?"

    Personal rant over... just wait until we discuss the nest two week's studies!

  • heathen

    Another interesting article . blondie you are just so good at this . It's like why not compare themselves to the temple harlot ? Instead they have to compare everybody else to unfaithful Israel . OHHHH look at us , we were appointed by God ( said with scarcastic voice) we can even ignore our history of false prophesy and extortion and scandal but nothing we've ever done can be reproofed by you low lifes . I'm still convinced that armageddon is really a spiritual war that ends on the great day of God almighty . To say they are still waiting for armageddon is yet another waste of print . BTW I think Israel was uprooted in 70ce by the romans . It was even prophesied by JC.

  • Neo

    In the last few years, the WT has had three-part symposiums on one of the Minor Prophets in each District Convention, and the talks are published in WT mag in the following year. The "study" on the Prophets are merely an excuse for the Watchtower to advance their propaganda and scare tactics. Ask any Witness right after these studies what's the main idea in, say, the Bible book of Amos, and barely anyone of them will be able to sum it up in a straightforward manner.


  • Flash
    God?s Word or the WT doctrine?

    I think you hit at the heart of it. And as always Jesus Christ is practicaly ignored!

    Thanks Blondie.

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