Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-14-04 WT Study Highlights

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-14-04 WT Study (October 1, 2004) HIGHLIGHTS

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another."?Roman 12:10 NWT /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments


    Well, I?m a little under the weather and this tripe in this article is making it worse. I have mentioned that one of the deciding factors for my no longer attending meetings was the continuing and pervasive lack of showing love in the congregations I have attended over the last almost 50 years. I kept hoping it was just a few people, just that congregation, just that elder body. I found this problem is a cancer that reaches out to all congregations. There are a few, a few exceptions but not due to WTS teachings but mostly from ignoring them. The WTS says they do these things in an outstanding way and then proceeds to downgrade all the good and loving things non-JWs do.


    Paragraphs 1-2

    The WTS starts out with an example of a American JW missionary in Korea (Don NoLastName) whose former students travel thousands of miles to see him on his deathbed. Most elders I knew wouldn?t be caught dead in a hospital, a very few went under duress. Only 2 in my lifetime as a JW were truly caring and were made fun of by the other elders.

    w82 9/15 p. 26 New Branch in Korea ***

    Among those present were Don (later branch overseer) and Earlene Steele, the first missionaries in Korea.

    How many JWs would have traveled thousands of miles to see you on your deathbed? How many would have traveled 5 miles to see you after heart surgery?

    Clearly, the relationship between Paul and his brothers went far deeper than shared belief. They had tender affection for one another.

    "weeping broke out among them all, and they fell upon Paul?s neck and tenderly kissed him."

    Tender Affection and Love

    Paragraphs 3-4

    The Greek word (which one?) that Paul used for "tender affection" is made up of two parts, one meaning friendship and the other, natural affection.

    The WTS has not been bashful in using philia (phileo) before, why now?

    Insight Book (1988) Volume 1 p. 55 Affection

    The Greek word phi·lo´stor·gos, meaning "having tender affection," is used of a person who is close to another in warm intimacy. One of the roots of this compound term, ster´go, is frequently used to denote a natural affection, as between family members. The apostle Paul encouraged Christians to cultivate this quality. (Ro 12:10)

    w77 2/1 p. 69 "Have Tender Affection for One Another"

    It is important to realize that the "tender affection" Paul encouraged at Romans 12:10 is not merely surface politeness. The Greek word philóstorgos there translated "have tender affection" means ?having love for affection,? being close in warm intimacy. Bible scholars note that it is the kind of love frequently expressed between children and parents.

    As one Bible scholar (who?) explains, this means that Christians "are to be marked by a devotion that is characteristic of a loving, close-knit and mutually supportive family.

    And who is this illusive scholar? Why could they not give his/her name and the source of the quote? Googling was fruitless; do you recognize the quote?

    Is that how you feel about your Christian brothers and sisters (only JWs are meant here, not non-JWs)?

    Is that how you are treated by the JWs in your congregation?

    Yes, love among Christians (JWs) involves more than just logic and duty.

    "Taught by God to Love One Another"

    Paragraphs 5-7)

    Although in this world "the love of the greater number" is cooling off (non-JWs), Jehovah is teaching his modern-day people (only JWs) "to love one another."

    International conventions?opened their homes?showing hospitality to our brothers, regardless of their background, can bring out the best in both guest and host.

    How many JWs locally showed you hospitality by inviting you to their homes for a meal, a get-together, to go camping, etc., etc.? Would they open their home if your house burned down, had to be fumigated, or would you be expected to stay with relatives (worldly even) or a hotel?

    When our affection is real, our face likely shows it, and it may move the heart of others to respond.

    Have you ever been at the KH and had some smile at you and it never goes past the surface? Or someone who asks how you are and is gone before you can reply?

    Thoughtful acts?a gift given from the heart?a card?a letter?.

    When was the last time someone at the KH who wasn?t a relative gave you a gift? Or sent a card or a letter? It?s rare in this area for people to send cards after a death in the family, even if the family member was a JW too. So many feel that a quick comment at the KH is sufficient.

    In times of need, who can you count on at the KH? For a loan, for help with your car, help moving, would visit you at the hospital, see that your family is all right, pick up your meds when you are laid low?

    Realistically we cannot expect to be close to everyone in the congregation. There will naturally be some to whom we feel closer than we do to others.

    w88 10/1 p. 11 Appreciation for Our Brothers

    On the pretext that the Scriptures allow for our having warmer feelings for some brothers than for others, are we inclined to rationalize our feelings?
    (John 19:26; 20:2) Do we think we can express a cold, reasoned "love" to some because we have to, while we reserve warm brotherly affection for those to whom we are attracted?.

    "I Have Approved You"

    Jesus heard those words from his father.

    Sadly, some never hear such commendation from those they respect and love (are they talking about elders?)

    Ann, notes that her non-JW family only criticize her?she should be in a JW family.

    In some cultures (which ones), parents, older ones and teachers rarely express wholehearted approval of younger ones (picture below of older Asian woman talking to young Asian girl).

    Such thinking can even affect Christian (JW) families and the (JW) congregation?"That was all right, but you can do better!"

    Isn?t that the theme of the WTS: Do More.

    Commendation, however should not be given only as a prelude to counsel.

    They say this because the WTS trains elders to say something complimentary to the JW they are about the rake over the coals.

    So rather than letting culture dictate how we treat others (which cultures?)?

    On the other hand, young ones (ones****), do not conclude that if older ones (ones****) offer you correction or advice, it means that they dislike you.

    Actually, it is the fact that "older ones" talk rarely to "young ones" unless it is to "correct" them.

    Older ones****---particularly congregation elders---often devote much time to thought and prayer before offering counsel.(!!!!)

    "Jehovah is Very Tender in Affection"

    Paragraphs 19-22

    Unpleasant experiences may have left some with the feeling that showing tender affection would lead only to further disappointment.

    Too many JWs over the last 50 years proved to be selfish, gossipy (slanderous), backbiting, lying, uncaring, apathetic. The few caring ones became tired from trying and gave up.

    Concluding Comments

    Don?t get caught up in the outward form of "love" JWs are compelled to show. Don?t do things for the view of humans but if you are truly a Christian, realize that unseen eyes are on you all the time, not trying to catch you doing something bad but to see the good you are doing.

    Does the non-JW older neighbor need help with the yard work? Does the non-JW single mother with 3 kids need a afternoon out once a month? Would you donate money to family burnt out of their home if they weren?t JWs? Do you send cards to those who have lost loved ones, whether they are JWs or not? When was the last time you purchased a gift for someone at the KH for no reason? Do you volunteer to pick up people who need rides? When you have movie night at home, do you invite the ones overlooked in life?

    Blondie (listening to her best friend on the treadmill, good boy, Irrev)
  • Scully

    Soooooo true!!! These kinds of WT studies - after my up-close and personal experience with what JW Love? is really like - made me so angry and disgusted that I wanted to puke.

    Love, Scully

  • codeblue

    Hmmmm...we read the words from the show love and all the ways to do it.........but I haven't seen that love.

    Blondie, I agree with you. I thought that one KH only had a problem with lack of love....with all my moves and particularly during the last 4.5 years I have seen such profound lack of love that I felt in my heart: "why would I want to bring a new one to a KH"? "Why am I subjecting myself to such abuse?" After all, one of the indentifying marks of the "true religion" is suppose to be that of "love". Where is the love?

    I am wondering if this Sunday's WT study will affect any of them? Will they really show true love after this study???


  • Flash


    "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another."?Roman 12:10 NWT

    The constant flow of mixed messages from the GB is, in my mind, the major problem. The GB talks about love all the time, yet they don't act loving. They act in an un-loving way to all the congregations by imposing their narrow 'human' standards on them, their condesension, their manipulation along with their new expanded view of shunning, to name a few things. So why would they think the individual members of the congregations wouldn't follow their example and emulate their actions and judgemental attitude? Their next WT study article should be, 'Do As We Say, Not As We Do'

  • yesidid

    Thank you Blondie,

    Although my husband had been a faithful Witness for almost 60 years, many of those in the full time work, nobody has visited or even called in the two years since we stopped attending meetings. A new PO has been appointed but he hasn?t even bothered to get to know the ?sheep? he is supposed to be shepherding.

    Don't be quick to re-instate someone disfellowshipped. A couple of years ago we were told whenever a disfellowshipped person makes a plea for re-instatement we are to meet with the person. However this does not mean we should re-instate the person. Some have been re-instated after 6 months, the Branch is concerned about the decisions of committees in this regard. We need to allow sufficient time to see the person's works of repentance which could take a year or years. It is hard enough for us to be aware of what a publisher is doing when he is in the congregation, it is more difficult when they are outside the congregation, so allow sufficient time."

    You would have to think it to be another example of Ted Jaracz and his service dept against the writing dept.

    Thanks again Blondie for your work in our behalf.


  • Preston
    When was the last time someone at the KH who wasn?t a relative gave you a gift? Or sent a card or a letter? It?s rare in this area for people to send cards after a death in the family, even if the family member was a JW too. So many feel that a quick comment at the KH is sufficient.

    In times of need, who can you count on at the KH? For a loan, for help with your car, help moving, would visit you at the hospital, see that your family is all right, pick up your meds when you are laid low?

    Blondie, at one point in my life I was a ministerial servant. One time after an elder's / ministerial servants meeting the CO commented that there was a couple in our kingdom hall that couldn't afford money for medication for their child. I and a couple of other people from the hall gave as much as we could, and after I stopped going to meetings, I continued to keep in touch with the couple because I was the only person who was wiling to spend time with them and their disabled little girl. This was a couple who was shunned by most of the congregation, and they later dropped me like the proverbial hot potato because I left. I think the article speaks true to most of us here, we did unselfish things for other people....and they were total assholes to us after we left.

  • Flash


    Although my husband had been a faithful Witness for almost 60 years, many of those in the full time work, nobody has visited or even called in the two years since we stopped attending meetings.

    Your only as good as your last meeting and Field Service report...Now you and your husband are deemed as undesirably weak or even as 'bad association.' " What a loving Organization we belong to "

    IMO, stay strong in prayer and in bible reading.

  • yesidid

    Thank you Flash,

    I really appreciate your concern and suggestions.

    Like you, we still believe in God and the Bible. In fact we are enjoying our spiritual life more now than when we were attending meetings. Our Bible reading is more interesting and we have gained a lot from Philip Yancey's books. Of course he believes in the trinity and imortal soul which we don't. But we just ignore those bits.

    Particularly, we have learned more about HAVING TENDER AFFECTION FOR ONE ANOTHER" in his books'
    than in the society's publications.

    Thank you and take care


  • Pole

    Good analysis Blondie. Since I stopped going to meetings altogether (only a few months ago), your threads on WT study are just about the only access I have to the spiritual food provided by the unwise slave.

    I fully understand how depressing it must be for you to go through this stuff every week. :))

  • blondie
    after my up-close and personal experience with what JW Love? is really like - made me so angry and disgusted that I wanted to puke.

    Dear Scully, when I read your husband?s and your experience with the elders, I wondered how people like that could sleep at night or think God listened to their prayers with their hands so full of blood.

    Dear Emperor CB,

    "why would I want to bring a new one to a KH"?

    Towards the end of my career as active JW, I talked to my last student and we agreed to end the formal study of the WT literature. Instead, we would have tea and talk about our common interests in language, music, and 19 th century English literature. I stopped going D2D and in my telephone calling only identified myself as a Christian and asked if they would like me to read an encouraging, but brief scripture for the day. I ended up with quite a list of scripture for the day people. I used the NIV and the Jerusalem Bible for Catholics.

    I could never invite anyone to the KH to be abused like I had was being. Eventually, I stopped altogether. I am happy to say that no one I studied with that was baptized as a JW are JWs any more.

    Good comment, Flash,

    The constant flow of mixed messages from the GB is, in my mind, the major problem. The GB talks about love all the time, yet they don't act loving. They act in an un-loving way to all the congregations by imposing their narrow 'human' standards on them,

    Actually this is a characteristic of a cult. It keeps people off balance and under their control.

    Faithful yesidid (and hubby),

    I also find it interesting to see the stereo effect coming from HQ again. On the one hand we have this warm fuzzy article on how we should have tender affection for one another. On the other we have the report from doinmypart about the meeting with the DO at the circuit assembly.

    "Judicial Committees and Appeal Committees have mistakenly rendered mercy where it was undeserved. This only hurts the congregation. Publishers are in contact with individuals that should have been disfellowshipped. Publishers may become prey to these wolves in sheep clothing, or the Publishers may think that it is ok to engage in serious wrongdoing and come away with private reproof.
    Don't be quick to re-instate someone disfellowshipped. A couple of years ago we were told whenever a disfellowshipped person makes a plea for re-instatement we are to meet with the person. However this does not mean we should re-instate the person. Some have been re-instated after 6 months, the Branch is concerned about the decisions of committees in this regard. We need to allow sufficient time to see the person's works of repentance which could take a year or years.
    It is hard enough for us to be aware of what a publisher is doing when he is in the congregation, it is more difficult when they are outside the congregation, so allow sufficient time."

    What I found it revealing about the WTS that they brought out this information at the CA (although an private meeting with only elders). Normally, this is done by the CO at his congregational meetings with the elders. Evidently, the elders are disregarding that first level of "counsel."

    Also I found out through a CO, that once a BOE reinstates or decides to reprove rather than DF and announces that, the CO or DO or headquarters cannot "unring the bell." (unless an egregious case through an appeal) It is amazing that somehow the branch can determine repentance only by the few words on the form the BOE fills out and sends to them. This could possibly be one of the few areas where the branch/headquarters does not reign supreme.

    This is called the "carrot and the stick" method.


    How sad to have your love not returned. They must have been so scared because they were on the edge to start with of the congregation?s "loving concern."

    Blondie, at one point in my life I was a ministerial servant. One time after an elder's / ministerial servants meeting the CO commented that there was a couple in our kingdom hall that couldn't afford money for medication for their child. I and a couple of other people from the hall gave as much as we could, and after I stopped going to meetings, I continued to keep in touch with the couple because I was the only person who was wiling to spend time with them and their disabled little girl. This was a couple who was shunned by most of the congregation, and they later dropped me like the proverbial hot potato because I left. I think the article speaks true to most of us here, we did unselfish things for other people....and they were total assholes to us after we left.

    Don?t give up, Preston. Every week I get a sincere hug from the non-JW woman I am helping improve her English. In a year, she will be able to take her citizenship test. The WTS creates of climate of fear in the congregation, where every person you might confide in as a friend can turn around and "turn you in."

    Good point, Flash,

    Your only as good as your last meeting and Field Service report

    I had an elder tell me that if you don?t turn in that report, you aren?t a JW. It doesn?t matter that you spent time talking about the Bible, if you don?t turn in the report, it doesn?t count. I told him it counts with God, because he doesn?t need to see my time slip.

    With its Do More TM philosophy the WTS had to finally put some statements in the study articles to encourage older JWs that could no longer get in the hours they once did, even instituting the 15-minute rule, but of course the elders determine who qualifies.

    Thanks yesidid,

    For that resource:

    Like you, we still believe in God and the Bible. In fact we are enjoying our spiritual life more now than when we were attending meetings. Our Bible reading is more interesting and we have gained a lot from Philip Yancey's books. Of course he believes in the trinity and imortal soul which we don't. But we just ignore those bits.

    I read the same way. There are many things to learn from people like him that are not affected by their belief in the trinity and immortal soul.

    Thanks, Pole

    Good analysis Blondie. Since I stopped going to meetings altogether (only a few months ago),

    So you are just coming down like me, though it has been 2 years. Yes, doing this reviews sometimes is hard depending what else has happened this week. But like many here without access to the mags, I want to know what the people I know in the WTS are facing. I wish I could go to the assemblies but that is too much crap in one sitting.

    May things continue to go well for you in your exit.


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