$$ Cultivate a Giving Spirit Toward the WT Society - 11/1/2003 WT $$

by Funchback 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Funchback

    The article found on page 26 gives some biblical examples of why one should cultivate a giving spirit. Then it has a subheading entitled 'Jehovah - The Greatest Giver' which leads to the final OBVIOUS subheading 'Showing Gratitude to Jehovah', which really translates to: 'Give Us (the WTS) Your Money'.

    So, what ways do you think the Society encourages one to give? And, to whom can you give your money to? Charities such as the United Way? AIDS research? Breast Cancer research? The fight against Lukemia?

    Or, when one dies, to whom should they leave their money? Their children? Grandchildren? Parents? Siblings?

    The WT speaks clearly in the gray box that spans from page 28 to 29. There is a picture of a black brother with a BIG ol' smile sticking in some of his hard-earned money into the contribution box.

    The gray box reads:

    "CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLDWIDE WORK - Many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled 'Contributions for the Worldwide Work - Matthew 24:14.' Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their respective countries. Voluntary donations of money may also be sent directly to (then they list their Brooklyn mailing address), or to the branch office that serves your country. Checks should be made payable to 'Watch Tower.' Jewelry or other valuables may be donated as well. A brief letter stating that such is an outright gift shouls accompany these contributions.

    CONDITIONAL-DONATION ARRANGEMENT - Money may be donated under a special arrangement in which, should the donor request it, the donation may be returned to him. For more information, please contact the Office of the Secretary and Treasurer at the address noted above.

    CHARITABLE PLANNING - In addition to outright gifts of money, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. These inclued:

    >Insurance: The Watch Tower Society may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.

    >Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, CD's, or IRA's may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to the WTS, in accord with local bank requirements.

    >Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds may be donated to the WTS as an outright gift.

    >Real Estate: Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate.

    >Gift Annuity: A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby one transfers money or securities to the WTS. In exchange, the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. The donor receives an income-tax deduction the year the gift annuity is established.

    >Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to the WTS by means of a legally executed will, or the WTS may be named as beneficiary of a trust agreement. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages.

    As the term 'charitable planning' implies, these types of donations typically require some planning on the part of the donor. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable planning, a brochure has been prepared in English and Spanish entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide. The brochure was written in response to the many inquiries received regarding gifts, wills, and trusts. It also contains additional useful information on estate, financial, and tax planning. It informs individuals of a variety of ways that gifts may be made either now or through a bequest at death. After reading the brochure and conferring with their own legal or tax advisers and the Charitable Planning Office, many have been able to assist JW's worldwide and, at the same time, maximize their tax benefits of doing so. This brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy directly from the Charitable Planning Office. (Then they list the address and phone #)."


    It seems that the spin the WT places in this article is that they kept stressing how this is all a big tax advantage for the donor.("Hey! WE'LL make some money! YOU'LL make some money! It's a win-win situation.")

    Also, here's a quote from the actual article outside of the gray box: "Giving was also not to be done for the purpose of making an outward show. Ananias and Sapphira made that pretense and paid dearly for it."

    I will try to remember that quote the next time I read in a WT magazine how the JWs were the first at the scene after a disaster to build new homes or to offer comfort. Or, the next time at the District Convention (not that I'll be there...LOL!) they talk about how they benefitted the community.

  • blondie

    This comes out every year about the same time in the WT. Most JWs don't have enough to invest but the ones who do understand the benefit of hiding placing their assets with a non-profit organization.

    In one article (this Sunday's) they tell the rank and file to simply their lives financially and then this....


  • Scully

    Well, when you think about it, it's the perfect time of year for the WTS to bring the We Want Your Money? issue back into focus for JWs. As you mentioned, the end of the tax year is approaching, and your average JW probably has no investments (stock, bonds, annuities) and no deductions to claim on their income tax. So pointing out that JWs can make tax-deductible donations to the WTS may seem like giving them some very welcome financial advice. (oooooh if I give $100 to the WTS, I get a $17 credit toward my taxes that I have to pay anyway!!! Lucky Fortunate me!! oh, here's an idea!! How about I DON'T give that $100 to the WTS, pay the $17 in taxes, and then have $83 for myself??)

    The other thing is that at this time of year, lots of people are gearing up for Christmas, spending money on gifts and special clothes for parties and family gatherings. Some JWs plan their holidays around that time of year - to go on trips etc - since they aren't going to be doing what "worldly" people do in celebrating their "pagan" holiday. Isn't that just SO selfish of them?? When the WTS obviously NEEDS the money sooooo badly?? Let's face it, in this day and age $951 million doesn't stretch as far as it used to, so we should be doing all we can to help the Society with the World Wide Education Work?, not going on selfish frivolous vacations. The WTS loves us so much and gives us all of this wonderful Spiritual Slop Food?, and arranges for us to go to five meetings a week, and lets us use our time in the Privilege? of being Kingdom Proclaimers?, and this is the thanks they get?? Do you think Jehovah takes vacations? Did Jesus take vacations? What makes you think you deserve a vacation if Jehovah and Jesus don't take vacations?

    Can you feel the guilt love?

    Love, Scully

  • Emma

    I can't get over how much this is like "worldly" fundraising. And most jw's simply don't see it for what it is. The wts are clear and powerful in their deceipion. People don't even question them. The organization is sociopathic.

  • integ

    My Aunt always says "I knew it was the truth because they never pass around a collection plate like the Catholics do".



  • robhic
    Let's face it, in this day and age $951 million doesn't stretch as far as it used to, so we should be doing all we can to help the Society with the World Wide Education Work?,

    Just how does the organization get all that money? I know book sales is (supposed to be) a big earner but I have never, ever had any WTS publication offered to me for a cost. They always just give the WT or Awake! or whatever and never ask for a donation or anything. I was given the "Life/Evolution/Creation" book and almost felt bad for taking it since it looks expensive. Not the ordinary, cheesy 'comic book' pamphlets I usually am offered. The lady said I could give it back after reading it, if I wanted to (I did), as long as I didn't mark in it (which I didn't). She just hasn't come back to get it -- it's been 6-7 weeks -- and I think that has something to do with the questions I asked that she couldn't answer...

    How can this $951 million figure get there? I guess real estate holdings and their oft-mentioned stock holdings generate a nice chunk of change but 951 million dollars? That is mind-boggling from where I sit. How do they do it?


  • Swan

    Interesting how they always bring up the Ananias and Sapphira story to encourage people to give the whole amount to the WTBTS and not hold any back. Another thing they stress is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

    I wonder if these are stressed so that it keeps people in the dark about how much is really being donated. I know if I had known how much money they were getting all of those years, I would have cut back on my contributions in my last 10-15 years as a JW.

    It occurs to me also that all of this secrecy is also a way that the family might be kept unaware about how much is being donated in a will or trust to the WTBTS until they benefactor is dead and it is too late to talk sense to them.


  • SYN
  • Funchback

    LOL @ SYN... I just saw YOURS, too! And to think that BOTH of us did all that typing!

  • JeffT

    If I recall, before the donation arrgangement went into effect they were printing about 12, 000,000 of each issue of the magazines. The publishers paid 25 cents each for them, course what got placed with somebody else was irrelevant, the society had its money when the dub walked away from the magazine counter. This all works out to about $12 million a month. Their overhead was very low, the biggest expense in any business is payroll, the society for all practical purposes doesn't have any. With some half decent investing this flow of money could turn into a lot of assets over the years.

    I don't know how the donation arrangement has effected this, I suspect the flock is being guilted into giving up something like what they always did, i e you pick up your four magazines, then drop a dollar into the contribution box.

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