The Ravings of Trolls Distracts FOCUS From Real Watchtower Scandals

by cofty 95 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cofty

    My thread was inspired by GentleDawn's insightful comment about the effect the events in Wales had on her JW husband...

    Hope any lurkers out there can filter out the signal (storys and experiences like this) to noise (the current trolls running amok on the forums) ratios

    This the problem with those who Focus on outrageous fantasies about the Watchtower. It distracts from the real issues that need to be highlighted.

    What happened in Wales was for real. The facts have been tested in court. It is scandalous and damning of the whole body of elders and the wider organisation.

    The problem is that when idiots scream about nonsense and pretend they are going to take the organisation down it undermines the cause. When lurkers read threads comparing all elders to rapists or suggesting that Jesus was a child molestor it does nothing for anybody's credibility.

    Hopefully some will be able to see the difference between hundreds of sincere people who can talk rationally about the facts concerning the Watchtower, and one or two ego-driven attention seekers.

  • Splash


    Unfortunately there are many who have poorly developed filters and are unduly influenced/impressed/intimidated by personalities.


  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Great post cofty. I agree with your sentiments.

  • designs

    I don't know cofty, if you'd only look at the Jesus within it would all make sense, ring ring hold on I'll be right back I got Jesus on the line.

  • Focus

    lol, some very weak egos and/or intellects around here.

    Still thinking like dubs...

    "Beware of Independent Thinking!"

    Toughening-up clearly required, all to be administered in the best theocratic style.


    ("Barnabas" Class)

  • LisaRose

    Good point Cofty, stick to what's real.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    I think he/she may be disturbed and hate the Watchtowers abuse policies. Not a troll though, look how far back he/she goes, and he has a strange sense of humour..

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I agree, Crofty. There is endless nonsense, and the truth is the loser because of it.

  • Focus

    There is endless nonsense, and the truth is the loser because of it.

    "the truth"??

    And you wrote that without irony?

    I sure hope "The Truth" is the loser.

    Can take the dubdub out of the Watchtower, but you can see that a part of the Watchtower stays embedded, lol.



    ( "" Class)

  • Focus

    a strange sense of humour


    I fear there's too much of an intellectual divide, alas.


    ("Pyramidal Passages" Class)

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