KS10 Chapter Two Discussion

by yknot 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Continuing onward into Chapter Two (as directed by the BOE LTR dated Aug 23, 2010) of "Shepherding the Flock of God" a publication by the non profit organizatin known as the WTS of Penn & NY as part of their for donation only Bible Educational work.

    For those of interested in Chapter One discussion please see: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/200524/1/KS10-Chapter-One-Discussion

    Chapter Two discusses the various titles within the BOE.

    Subtitles are:

    1) How Elders Work Together as a Body

    2) Elder's Meetings

    3) How the Body of Elders is Organized

    4) Coordinator of the Body of Elders

    5) Congregational Secretary

    6) Service Overseer

    7) Congregation Service Committee

    8) Group Overseer

    9) Watchtower Study Conductor

    10) Theocratic Ministry School Overseer

    11) Pursue Peace With One Another as Spiritual Men


  • fokyc

    Thank you so much YKnot for this information, and thanks to the source of it.

    After a quick read I realize that our local BOE needs a big change.

    An interesting point is in relation to elders telephoning the branch office;

    there should be TWO of them to make sure the directions etc are understood and correct.

  • bohm

    • if the elders discuss some matter, and do not agree, those who do not agree with the majority must support the descision. this is bolded and repeated two times.
    • it is stated explicitly that in any matter, the well-being of the congregation (organization) is above that of the individual in troubles.
    • When preparing a watchtower study, the person who is going to conduct the study should avoid bringing in outside "theocratic or secular material from personal research" since "much research has been done in preparing the lesson". In other words: Read what we have prepared! (the entire section sound like everything should be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator).
    • conclude with a "shut up an do whatever we want you to do like jesus did" paragraph.

    CANT wait for the rest!

  • bohm

    YKNOT! I think its pretty brazen of you not to scan the next chapter!

    I think you should consider the fact that the spiritual well-being of the congregation is above your own, you ungratefull thing!




    "You demonstrate submission to Christ's headship when you do the following:
    Obey direction coming from agencies used by "the faithful and discreet slave," including Branch Committees, travelling overseers, and others appointed by the Governing Body to take the lead.-Matt. 24:45-47; Heb. 13:1 7."

    "The body of elders should always base their decisions on Bible principles and written direction from "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matt. 24:45)"
    ________________________________________________________________________________Is the following in line with the governing body's two thirds majority?

    "If a decision is not unanimous, the minority should give willing support to the final decision."_________________________________________________________________________________Child abuse records:

    "Information concerning an individual accused of child molestation, proved or otherwise, should be placed in congregation's confidential file and marked "Do Not Destroy" and kept indefinitely."__________________________________________________________________________________
    Hounding people for time:

    "Promptly informs group overseers regarding publishers in their group who did not report time for the month."

    "reviews the activity of regular pioneers near midpoint of service year so that any having difficulty meeting the hour requirement can be given assistance."

    Destroying records:

    "Determines whether to destroy records concerning a person reinstated five years if the judicial committee is unavailable or unqualified. May designate other elders to handle this."

    Do not calls:

    "Reviews the territory file once a year, making a list of houses where it is not advisable to call. Under his direction, elders will determine whether these householders would accept visits from Jehovah's Witnesses. Elders should adhere to recent direction from the branch office in contacting such ones."_____________________________________________________________________________________
    Micromanaging those who miss meetings and service

    "Takes note of who is missing during congregation meetings, seeks to determine the reason, and provides needed assistance. Along with his assistant (or another elder or qualified ministerial servant), periodically arranges to visit all in his group to provide encouragement and counsel, concentrating on those who are weak, irregular in meeting attendance or field activity, ill, depressed, or inactive.""Periodically reviews with his assistant the record cards of those in his group to determine their strengths and weaknesses in the ministry."

    "Endeavours promptly to obtain late reports for the secretary."

    Oh the Talmud of the WTS...


  • MrMonroe

    Are you sure this is the full version of the book?

    Among the duties for Congregation Secretary I don't see any bullet points for:

    • "Drop broad hints to brothers about confidential matters while witnessing" or
    • "Foolishly leave highly sensitive documents lying on your desk so one's wife accidentally reads the whole thing and spreads the word on the Sisters' Network."
  • maninthemiddle

    Yknot, you are awesome and you have some awesome friends out there!

    Please pass on my gratitude.

  • maninthemiddle

    This is more a bump, but I have a question.

    Determines whether to destroy records concerning a person reinstated five years if the judicial committee is unavailable or unqualified. May designate other elders to handle this."

    Does this mean if the original 3 elders from the JC were still in the congregation that the record are kept longer? Or just that they are the ones to destroy them after 5 years?

    "Takes note of who is missing during congregation meetings"

    Does this mean we can look forward to more visits an soon as the elders school is over?

  • processor

    This file has been removed too :(

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They're playing hardball, huh?

    Can anyone send it via email? I can PM you my address.

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