JoinedTopics Started by unbeliever
750 million for the soon-to-be-ex Mrs Tiger Woods!
by donny inwhen i heard that on the radio, i had to run to the pc to see if i heard that correctly.
she gets 750 million for 5-6 years of marriage?
something tells me that there is more to this story than what we know.
Hilarious youtube responses to bill collectors
by unbeliever ini am sure everyone has heard the horror stories about how ruthless bill collectors can be.
theatening lawsuits, garnishments, calling your job, family and neighbors, etc.
even trying to collect debts from the wrong individual.. 1st youtube recording is from a guy who called the collection agency himself after he was promised by the bill collector the police would be showing up at his door.
Are there any pro jehovah witness boards on the net left?
by unbeliever ini remember the good old days when jwzone, greatcrowd, purelanguagenetwork, sister soup, and witnessworld were around.
there were quite a few of us that managed to gain membership to those boards and tried to "witness" and would copy/paste over here..
Manipulation as its worst
by unbeliever inmy brother has been dating this woman for 6 months.
he made it clear from the very beginning before they got serious that he would not marry her or anyone for that matter.
does not want a repeat.
Is it possible to truly love your hubby, wife, partner, lover etc and still
by mtsgrad inhave an affair?
just curious.
This board is full of hot air
by mtsgrad inhi friends.
i have been mentally stimulated many times by reading exciting threads.
my only problem is words are sometimes not enough.. .
The privilege of taking out the trash and cleaning toilets
by unbeliever ini went back home for a visit over tg.
my mom and her husband were in town visiting as well.
i met them for lunch and he was telling me about the convention they had during the summer.
Where did you meet your lover/partner/husband/wife and..
by mtsgrad inwas it love at first sight?.
Secret Santa Ideas thread
by Angharad inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/166570/1.ashx.
for everyone taking part in this years secret santa, here is the thread to post ideas about what you would like to receive.
this way when you get your name of who you are buying for you can come in here and look at what your person has posted.. .