So I started a reply on the topic of "what's your status? " And it made me think about my DF hearing (sorry I can't remember the exact term for what happened).
So I was fading, living in a different country, working & making rare appearances at my Kingdom Hall. I was flat sharing with a sister though. It was obvious that I was weak & people were encouraging me, but I knew I wanted out.
I went out with a worldly guy & we all know where that leads.... Then as a good witness does I immediately rang the elders & told them.
this is where it gets weird, 3 men come to your house & sit in front of you ( I am female & was 20 at time). They go through everything in great detail, step by step!!! I was asked all kinds of personal stuff which was completely unnecessary because I rang them & told them I had committed fornication. Why the need to pour over the details?
Why 3 middle aged men interviewing 1 young woman?
Why no sister present?
They asked me if I was sorry, I said no.
After dissecting my sex life for what felt like hours but probably wasnt, one elder looked at me and said, "I can't help but notice your skirt" we looked at each other....???
Now when they came in they placed 3 dining chairs in a semi circle in front of the couch and told me to sit on the couch (which was lower) so they were all looming over me & I was on the couch where my skirt had no choice but to rise up to the knees.
Anyway, this guy continued to talk about my skirt for 10 minutes, other skirts/sisters & what they mean to him...,.before one of the other elders changed the subject (probably cringing on the inside, I don't know?).
Now I'm older/wiser I know this is creepy.
Did anyone else have strange things happen?