Black man
I agree that Elders and M.S. are a bunch of suck ups. In one of the local congs.(North Sydney, Nova scotia) a man was made a M.S. about 5/6 yrs ago. He had been baptized about 6 months when the announcement was made. The CO's visit had been a month earlier when "brother new" was put on display (read at bookstudy, talk in mistry school, etc.). the schedule for these meetings had been made at least a month before this. So, in essence the decision to "promote this man had been made when he had been baptized for 4 months at most. There were other more qualified brothers who were passed over as well. Why was it Done? Because brother new spent most of his time chasing the elders and kissing their arses in particular the PO who he became best friends with before he was even an unbaptized publisher. sound familiar, too much so for me .