My name is John Findlay and was a born and bred Witness in Scotland.I got disfellowshipped at 18 and was cut off from my family completely for 2years.I moved to Australia and the relationship with my parents was easier as it was phone calls only.13years went by with constant questions playing over in my head about whether it was just my Fathers approach to love God through fear or is it really what The Jehovah's Witnesses teach.I got the knock at the door one day from 2elders and to cut a long story short...i went back to the meetings with a zeal for the Truth...i found the Truth and ran out of there as fast as i could...these people were really looking forward to 6billion people dieing a horrible death!!! I have not dissasociated myself YET but each day i study the word of God and do some research on the Organization i am getting closer to doing so. I have a wife and 2great kids who thankfully will never be indocrinated in any religion...thats their free choice.