I'm a psychology Graduate.. yes I've actually been to university ... oh wow :O! Oh Yes I forgot, I'm an Anachist, I'm very left wing, I'm very liberal. I've always thought that I would make a great hermit, then I wouldn't have to put up with what people are really like, because I realised a long time ago, people are generally not very nice. If there is nothing in it for them they don't want to know, if it is not of interest to them they don't want to know, if you say something they disagree with they tear you down and hope you burn. Thats just how people are, they can't help it, its in their nature to be selfish and arrogant :). By the way I'm dyslexic, so if you were thinking about picking to pieces my spelling errors and gramatical errors then its a waste of time, I can't help that I make them they just happen whether I want them to or not! On another note, I am horror of horrors, a happy wiccan (ie: Pagan), and love nature, I guess I was just brought up to enjoy nature :P! A happy conversion from the religious norms and values of the JW ;)!