Was born and raised a witness. Joined theocratic school and became unbaptized publisher when I was 8. Baptized when I was 14 and left organization when I was 22. I am very very familiar with all scriptures the bible is a beautiful story book however that is all it is a story. It is pretty sad because there are so many great people I have known my life and that I have met that do show that unconditional love for one another and they are majority all witnesses. However the faith of a JW has been guided throughout by men behind curtains just like our Government is. Now many have called me apostate blashmeous, I have heard it all. I do not whatsoever go to conventions with banners or signs. It is not for me to judge or anyone how people live there lives. Because it is true times are not great so if being a JW is there salvation and they are blind to see the truth. That is completely up to any free man. I tell you this I rather LOVE than HATE. But me knowing what I know I cannot find contempt going to meetings and services and playing the role as a fake. Now if there is a divine GOD than I imagine he is Love so thats how I will live on. But I am living for tomorrow because when my end comes that is all that will come. We live and we die thats it.