Scriptures correctly applied:by Bro.Elder
1.The Bro. went into great detail how Christendom misapplied the Bible.
He said,they misuse a scripture making it appear to say whatever they
want it to say.They read the bible but don't apply the principles.He said,
we(JW) read, know and make proper application,because we have been
thought by the FDS.As a ex. Matt24,34 and the proper understanding...
say WHAT I could not believe my ears ouch that hurt.
2.A part on the WT of 2002 aug15.
Par 10. For example,if someone wants to know why you do not take part in
some unscriptural custom or practice,do not be satisfied with saying."It's against
my religion."Such an answer may suggest that you let others make your decisions
for you and that you must therefore be a member of a cult.It might be better to say,
God's Word,the Bible.forbids it.Bah..bah..bah.(Good grieve) Now for the kicker.
They have a Demo.Sis talking to co worker who asks why don't you celebrate Christmas.
So Sis says to be honest,I don't know the answer,but I'm sure the Bible addresses the
matter.I love Bible reseach, so I'LL look into your question and get back to you.Bah..bah
Now for the kicker..Sis. approaches co worker you guessed it WITH THE REASONING
BOOK. so much for God's Word.What did they say about a CULT?