This board has become very painful. I've given it many chances. So many posters do not know what the apostrophe is for or is not for. Native speakers of English from US, UK, etc, still making the same grammar and punctuation errors I remember getting corrected by my teachers back in 1950. Make an assertion listing Google search keywords you've used and posters ask what right have you to make your assertion (perhaps by researching keywords, moron?). Posters say the ball is in your court because they're too dysfunctional to do their own research. This forum seems to be for so many just an alternative to turning on the TV. No wonder the "free" world is in such deep shit. So many do not know how to spell or even use a spell check. Try to edit your post and that function isn't working yet. Some dude even spelled Malawi as "Malowie!" No excuses. Gimme a break. It's like still going to KH meetings with all the stupid ones. People still do not read or study. Too much TV and beer? No longer being a JW implies making improvements not made while a JW, or why not just forget it?
You'll be wasting your time by replying to this. The only time I'll be back to look at it is immediately, just to see if I've been proscripted (look in the dictionary) for saying "moron" and "shit."