JoinedTopics Started by bavman
Ancestors of Ne-Hi-A-Mi-Ah Perhaps?
by bavman in.
Wild Gorrillas Using Tools
by bavman in.
Do Apostates Fulfill Prophecy
by bavman indo you remmeber in your mind's eye (lol...i love that...mind's eye) the picture in the revelation book which showed after the 1000 years were ended that a large crowd of people who rejected jehovah's ways would surround those faithful ones?
they thought they were powerful enough to overtake them.
this was of course applied to the future however i have heard ideas in the past where some would say that perhaps even the "new scrolls" had been opened already.
Biased PBS Special Soon to be Aired
by bavman inco producer/director of new pbs special slotted to be aired in 2006 has mother who is jw.
check out this link:.
Evolution of Man
by bavman inhere's a question for all you who have been studying evoluition much longer than me.
i have read in a few places that man has all but stopped evolving.
is this what is really being taught by science and why?
On a positive note...
by bavman infor those that have been out of the borg that you are no longer part of the dubs, what positive things do you like to be involved in?
what is your' purpose in life?
"Releasing the Bonds is Back Ordered"
by bavman inlast summer i read the book "releasing the bonds - empowering people to think for themselves", by steve hassan.
i had gotten it at the library so i had to give it back.
i recently decided to try and buy it because i wanted on the shelf at my home.
Welcome Econaut!!!
by bavman inwelcome econaut!!!!
i meant to do this earlier but here i go anyway.
a big welcome to a fabulous person!
a card came yesterday...
by bavman in....from my mom.
i hadn't heard from my parents since last summer after 2 fiery letters and me da'ing myself.
they even mentioned to my df'd sis how i "went apostate".