How not to parent........

by Fe2O3Girl 2 Replies latest social current

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Russell Gray is suing the £20,000 per year private school that expelled his son after nearly 400 infractions of school rules in two years.

    His son, Rhys, must be a real little academic star, as he managed to achieve about the same results in his GCSEs as I did in my O'levels. Except I went to a state comprehensive in a high unemployment, run-down area at the height of the Thatcher era.

    It is a good job that Mr Gray can afford these school fees, as I predict he will be spending a lot more on lawyers on little Rhys' behalf in the years to come.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    And to follow up (as this generated so much interest) - I saw this in the paper today, and smiled from ear to ear!,,1884496,00.html

    "Russell Gray faces legal bills of more than £250,000 after three appeal court judges dismissed his claim that his teenage son was expelled by Marlborough College to make room for a pupil who would score more highly in the exam league tables.

    The ruling ended a three year saga which has cost Mr Gray, 50, the equivalent of 10 years' fees at the Wiltshire school. He had contended that his 17-year-old son Rhys was targeted because of learning difficulties, and said he wanted "to clear the boy's name". The school said he was kicked out for being rude and a bully."

  • ignored_one

    All I can add is: *Thumbs Up*

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