Book Study Wk 12- 9/12: pg 82-89 Unraveling the Mystery of the Great Tree

by ithinkisee 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ithinkisee

    Chapter Six: Unraveling the Mystery of the Great Tree

    JEHOVAH allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to become a world ruler. As Babylon’s monarch, he had great wealth, a sumptuous table, a grand palace—everything he desired in a material way. But suddenly he suffered humiliation. Becoming mentally deranged, Nebuchadnezzar acted like a beast! Driven away from the royal table and the imperial residence, he lived in the fields and ate grass like a bull. What led up to this calamity? And why should it concern us?—Compare Job 12:17-19; Ecclesiastes 6:1, 2.




    Shortly after his recovery from that complete mental collapse, Nebuchadnezzar sent throughout his realm a remarkable report of what had occurred. Jehovah inspired the prophet Daniel to preserve an accurate record of these events. It begins with these words: "Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all the peoples, national groups and languages that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow great. The signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed with me, it has seemed good to me to declare. How grand his signs are, and how mighty his wonders are! His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite, and his rulership is for generation after generation."—Daniel 4:1-3.


    Nebuchadnezzar’s subjects were "dwelling in all the earth"—his empire embracing most of the world of Bible record. Regarding Daniel’s God, the king said: "His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite." How those words magnified Jehovah throughout the Babylonian Empire! Moreover, this was the second time that Nebuchadnezzar had been shown that the Kingdom of God alone is eternal, standing "to times indefinite."—Daniel 2:44.


    What "signs and wonders" did "the Most High God" perform? These began with the king’s personal experience related in these words: "I, Nebuchadnezzar, happened to be at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace. There was a dream that I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed and visions of my head that began to frighten me." (Daniel 4:4, 5) What did the Babylonian king do about this disturbing dream?


    Nebuchadnezzar summoned Babylon’s wise men and told them the dream. But how they failed! They were totally unable to provide an interpretation. The record added: "At last there came in before me Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I said what the dream was." (Daniel 4:6-8) Daniel’s court name was Belteshazzar, and the false deity that the king called "my god" may have been either Bel or Nebo or Marduk. Being polytheistic, Nebuchadnezzar viewed Daniel as one in whom there was "the spirit of the holy gods." And because of Daniel’s position as prefect over all of Babylon’s wise men, the king referred to him as "the chief of the magic-practicing priests." (Daniel 2:48; 4:9; compare Daniel 1:20.) Of course, faithful Daniel never abandoned the worship of Jehovah to practice magic.—Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:10-12.




    What was the content of the Babylonian king’s frightening dream? "Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding," said Nebuchadnezzar, "and, look! a tree in the midst of the earth, the height of which was immense. The tree grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth. Its foliage was fair, and its fruit was abundant, and there was food for all on it. Under it the beast of the field would seek shade, and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh would feed itself." (Daniel 4:10-12) Reportedly, Nebuchadnezzar was fond of the great cedars of Lebanon, went to see them, and had some brought to Babylon as lumber. But he had never beheld anything like the tree seen in his dream. It occupied a prominent position "in the midst of the earth," was visible earth wide, and was so fruitful that it provided food for all flesh.


    There was much more to the dream, for Nebuchadnezzar added: "I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, look! a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens themselves. He was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: ‘Chop the tree down, and cut off its boughs. Shake off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs. However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.’"—Daniel 4:13-15.


    The Babylonians had their own religious concept of good and evil spirit creatures. But who was this "watcher," or sentinel, from heaven? Called "a holy one," he was a righteous angel representing God. (Compare Psalm 103:20, 21.) Imagine the questions that must have plagued Nebuchadnezzar! Why chop this tree down? What good is the rootstock restrained from growth by bands of iron and of copper? Indeed, what purpose is served by a mere stump?


    Nebuchadnezzar must have been completely mystified as he heard the watcher’s further words: "Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it, and let seven times pass over it. By the decree of watchers the thing is, and by the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind." (Daniel 4:16, 17) The rootstock of a tree does not have a human heart beating inside it. For that matter, how can the heart of a beast be given to a tree’s rootstock? What are the "seven times"? And how does all of this relate to rulership in "the kingdom of mankind"? Surely Nebuchadnezzar wanted to know.




    Upon hearing the dream, Daniel was momentarily astonished, then fearful. Urged by Nebuchadnezzar to explain it, the prophet said: "O my lord, may the dream apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries. The tree that you beheld, that grew great and became strong . . . , it is you, O king, because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has grown great and reached to the heavens, and your rulership to the extremity of the earth." (Daniel 4:18-22) In the Scriptures, trees can symbolize individuals, rulers, and kingdoms. (Psalm 1:3; Jeremiah 17:7, 8; Ezekiel, chapter 31) Like the immense tree of his dream, Nebuchadnezzar had "grown great and become strong" as the head of a world power. But "rulership to the extremity of the earth," involving the whole kingdom of mankind, is represented by the great tree. It therefore symbolizes Jehovah’s universal sovereignty, particularly in its relationship to the earth.—Daniel 4:17.


    A debasing change was in store for Nebuchadnezzar. Pointing to this development, Daniel added: "Because the king beheld a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, who was also saying: ‘Chop the tree down, and ruin it. However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, but with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens let it become wet, and with the beasts of the field let its portion be until seven times themselves pass over it,’ this is the interpretation, O king, and the decree of the Most High is that which must befall my lord the king." (Daniel 4:23, 24) Surely courage was needed to give the powerful king that message!


    What would befall Nebuchadnezzar? Imagine his reaction as Daniel added: "You they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be, and the vegetation is what they will give even to you to eat just like bulls; and with the dew of the heavens you yourself will be getting wet, and seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it." (Daniel 4:25) Apparently even Nebuchadnezzar’s court officials would ‘drive him away from men.’ But would he be cared for by compassionate herdsmen or shepherds? No, for God had decreed that Nebuchadnezzar would dwell with "the beasts of the field," eating vegetation.


    Just as the tree was cut down, Nebuchadnezzar would be toppled from world rulership—but only for a time. Daniel explained: "Because they said to leave the rootstock of the tree, your kingdom will be sure to you after you know that the heavens are ruling." (Daniel 4:26) In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream the rootstock, or stump, of the felled tree was allowed to remain, although it was banded so that it would not grow. Similarly, the "rootstock" of Babylon’s king would remain, though banded from flourishing for "seven times." His position as world ruler would be like the banded tree stump. It would be kept safe till seven times had passed over it. Jehovah would see to it that during that period nobody would succeed Nebuchadnezzar as Babylon’s sole ruler, although his son named Evil-merodach may have carried on for him as acting ruler.


    In view of what was foretold concerning Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel courageously urged: "Therefore, O king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Maybe there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity." (Daniel 4:27) If Nebuchadnezzar would turn away from his sinful course of oppression and pride, perhaps this would change matters for him. After all, some two centuries earlier, Jehovah had determined to destroy the people of Assyria’s capital, Nineveh, but he did not do so because its king and his subjects repented. (Jonah 3:4, 10; Luke 11:32) What about proud Nebuchadnezzar? Would he change his ways?

    [Study Questions]

    1. What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, raising what questions?

    2, 3. What did the king of Babylon wish for his subjects, and how did he view the Most High God?

    4. In connection with Nebuchadnezzar, how did Jehovah’s "signs and wonders" begin?

    5. How did Nebuchadnezzar view Daniel, and why?

    6, 7. How would you describe what Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream?

    8. Who was the "watcher"?

    9. Basically, what did the watcher say, and what questions are raised?

    10. (a) Scripturally speaking, what can trees symbolize? (b) What is represented by the great tree?

    11. How did the king’s dream show that he would experience a debasing change?

    12. What was going to befall Nebuchadnezzar?

    13. What did the tree dream show would happen to Nebuchadnezzar’s position as world ruler?

    14. What did Daniel urge Nebuchadnezzar to do?

  • jgnat

    Summary: How to stretch a short passage of scripture to fourteen paragraphs. Repeat yourself a lot. What I found most interesting is how the WTBTS finds it necessary to "sanitize" Nebuchadnezzar's language and concepts. It seems to me that God would be content to talk to the king in a language he would understand...even a pagan one! Even the book of Daniel showed no qualms in translation. But nooooo, that's not clean or consistent enough for the Watchtower!

    The record added: "At last there came in before me Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I said what the dream was." (Daniel 4:6-8) Daniel’s court name was Belteshazzar, and the false deity that the king called "my god" may have been either Bel or Nebo or Marduk. Being polytheistic, Nebuchadnezzar viewed Daniel as one in whom there was "the spirit of the holy gods." And because of Daniel’s position as prefect over all of Babylon’s wise men, the king referred to him as "the chief of the magic-practicing priests." (Daniel 2:48; 4:9; compare Daniel 1:20.) Of course, faithful Daniel never abandoned the worship of Jehovah to practice magic (can you smell the apology?).—Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:10-12.


    The Babylonians had their own religious concept of good and evil spirit creatures. But who was this "watcher," or sentinel, from heaven? Called "a holy one," he was a righteous angel representing God. (They are making this up as they go along. They weren't there, they can't say for sure). (Compare Psalm 103:20, 21.)

  • ithinkisee

    It gets worse. Wait til next week when they start making modern-day application.

    Get your barf bag ready.


  • glitter

    How's the missus getting on at the meetings? Noticed any eye-rolling? :)

    It gets worse. Wait til next week when they start making modern-day application.

    Get your barf bag ready.

    I also might need to bring a cappucino maker to the BS next week to wake people up....nobody wanted to comment it was torture. You know whats worse than attending this b*llsh*t, conducting it!!!

  • SwordOfJah

    What is it from this prophesy that is not understood?

  • anewme

    Thankyou IthinkIsee, I appreciate the inclusion of this study article. I remember studying Daniel years ago. I rather liked it. Today I got out of it that Daniel knew the mind and heart of Jehovah well enough to counsel the king to turn back from bad ways and do good things and be generous etc. and so Jehovah may show him mercy.

    I love stories of mercy. I really do.

  • M.J.

    They weren't there, they can't say for sure
    But they DO know lots a stuff FOR SURE. Judge Rutherford used to get messages in his head from angels. That's how they know for sure.

  • ithinkisee
    What is it from this prophesy that is not understood?

    Nothing yet "Spoon of Jah" .... wait til next week. -ithinkisee

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