Dallas loses two awesome gals!

by Billygoat 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • Billygoat

    After coming from New Orleans to Dallas to escape Katrina, Marla (Bubbamar) and Dee had taken up temporary residence here in Dallas. But as of yesterday they decided to move to Atlanta. They have some friends to stay with there and a university in Georgia has offered them free tuition for the fall semester. Hard offer to turn down! Bad thing is, they have to be there this coming week. Last night they called to tell me of their decision. So this morning they came over to our house for a good-bye breakfast. Mozz fixed his famous migas and we even had chicory coffee to remind them of New Orleans. We talked about the gracious and generous people on this board. We discussed their dogs and how they're handling the stress of traveling so much. We discussed how we understand their decision and support it, but that we're sad they're leaving. With nothing to go home to in New Orleans, it looks like a new phase of life will be started for them. Unfortunately, for us it will be out of the state of Texas. And for that I am very sad. It's our loss and Atlanta's gain.

    This past week I've been blessed by their presence here in town. In the face of losing everything they've ever owned and known, they have expressed grace and courage like I've never seen before. They are a reminder to me of what type of woman I want to be: gracious, positive, tender, funny, loving and always kind to everyone. I've only known them for a little over a week, but I feel I've known them for years.

    Marla and Dee, we will miss you greatly. We wish you the best in your travels and a safe settlement in Georgia. Just remember that after graduation if you should want to come back "home" to Texas, we wait here with open arms.

    God bless you both!

    Your friends,

    Andi and Neil

  • Elsewhere

    Sad to see you two go..... but I do wish you the best of luck in your new life!

    Come back and see us some time, ya hear!

  • Sunspot


    Not only have you been so helpful, warm and welcoming to Marla and Dee, you have ended up showing others just what sincere caring for others can really mean. As I have said to you privately, I'd also like to say on this board---that is you are such a great little gal, and a real pleasure to "know" if only by the printed word here!

    BIG hugs,


  • LyinEyes
    . They are a reminder to me of what type of woman I want to be: gracious, positive, tender, funny, loving and always kind to everyone.

    The type of woman you want to be?? Honey child you are already there....

    Marla and Dee , good luck on your new life in a new place. Maybe sometime down the road we can meet up in the rebuilt NewOrleans , I would like that.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    The type of woman you want to be?? Honey child you are already there....


    Andi You made me cry

    Unconditional love is truly a gift that we cannot afford to ever lose again and I am so glad you are posting more often now. I likes seein ya here.

    What a wonderful opportunity for Marla and Dee. Best wishes on your new venture

  • cruzanheart

    Awwwwww, I'm going to miss them!!!!! Cool people, both of them. Our loss is Atlanta's gain but I hope they'll come by every once in a while, like maybe for the next crawfish boil. And I hope they know that they have a place to stay!!!!

    Hugs and the very best of luck,


  • Billygoat

    I haven't done anything you all wouldn't have done if you had the same opportunity. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. But this thread isn't supposed to be about me, but about wishing Marla and Dee the best.

    If you are still interested in sharing a paypal gift to Marla and Dee, please do so. They'll need as much support as possible. And a little goes a long way. Here is the link to donate to their paypal account. Even $5 or $10 makes a difference collectively.


    This board is full of generous and unconditionally loving people. You have shown your true giving spirit by willingly giving to a family you don't even know. For those of you who've given so far, thank you! Each and everyone of you know who you are. I really am proud to be a part of this community.



  • Eyebrow2

    oh bummer...but I wish them the best in Atlanta...

  • Simon

    Hope all goes well for them.

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