Turning in your time

by Shane 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shane

    I never could understand this stupid practice of turning in your time of how many hours you have preaching, hell sakes God knows is that not sufficient? I believe its one more way of mind control.
    Again surely God know who have been naughty or nice marking his list and marking it twice (as to who has talked to others ), its not anyone else business what others are doing in this regard. Shane

  • Pathofthorns

    I think most Witnesses don't like reporting time and few would miss it if it was done away with.

    Unfortunately (for the WT) if they did away with reporting of time, no one would go out in the ministry. One's "hours" are many times the sole basis for judging one's spirituality and progress in the religion.

    Removing the time reporting would have many benefits to the religion such as more people doing things that cannot be reported on their time sheets like visiting the sick or other practical charitable works. It would save alot of time and paperwork for people like Service Overseers. Many "low-hour publishers" would feel better about themselves without all the guilt and labels.

    But like I said, the downside to the WT is that no one would go out. And if that happened there simply would be no more Jehovah's Witnesses. The preaching work and the literature etc. are the imaginary glue that holds it all together. It's what keeps everyone in the "loop". Take that away and there's very little substance left.


  • logical

    I always thought Christ said to take care to do good works in secret, because those who do it for the glory of men will get their reward in full from men, but those who do it in secret will be rewarded in secret by God.

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