Do all Kingdom Halls have the same meeting schedules?

by hubert 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hubert
    Is this what you were looking for? Trying to picket a hall or something?

    Yes, This is what I was looking for, basically.

    I'm trying to find out when my Bible study daughter and hubby are attending meetings, and which ones, also. I don't live that close to them, so can't "check" on them too easily.

    I would love to find out if they are already giving Bible studies, and with who, so I can do some "reverse witnessing".


  • damselfly

    You could call from a payphone on a sunday morning and ask.

    At one point in time my old hall had the meetings times posted outside the door. Don't know if this is still done but maybe you could check this out as well.


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