Amazing Apostafind

by the_classicist 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    He he he he he. I just got my hands on a book from 1959: Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose.

    Here's a little snippet from Chapter 9, which is entitled "End of All Kingdoms in 1914":

    Tom: When 1914 finally arrived and the first world war began, I suppose Jehovah's witnesses really came into their own, didn't they?

    John: Not exactly. For the first few months of the year the religious leaders and others were pouring considerable ridicule upon Russell and the Watch Tower Society, because in those early months nothing had happened to the Gentile nation as Jehovah's Witnesses had been expecting...

    John: It was, although there were many things taking place that the Witnesses themselves did not realize. For forty years prior to 1914 they had been pointing to this date through Scriptural developments. Now as factual evidences began to appear to verify the conclusions they had reachedd by this Bible study, they were certain that October 1, 1914, brought a legal end to the 2,520 years of Jehovah's tolerance of the sovereignty assumed by the Gentile nations over the earth; that legally the "end of all nations" had come in 1914!

    There's even a "Chart of the Ages" on page 67. It's a little small, but one is still able to read it.

    Or take this quotation from page 111:

    The League of Nations was expose not only as the "abomination that makes desolate," but alsso as the "eight" king of Revelation 17:11, the British Empire being the seventh "king" and being the main support of the League of Nations. To demonstrate the League's dependence on Britain's backing, Brother Rutherford declared: "Let Britain withdraw from it tommorow, and it will go down immediately." In conclusion he described the blessings of God's kingdom.

    And on 126:

    You will recall that at the 1926 convention of Jehovah's witnesses at London, England, it had been declared that the League of Nations was the "beast" of Revelation 17:11 and that it was certain to suffer destruction at God's hands.

    And about World Ward II, on 153:

    As the Nazi-Facist-Catholic war drive stamped throughout Europe...
  • kls

    That is a find and after reading your excerps ,,,,, How the hell were people so stupid ,i mean it .

  • Purza

    Is that that blueish green colored book where a family (or people) are having a discussion?

    I vaguely recall studying a book like that in our family study. We all got to take a turn reading a different person's part.


  • the_classicist
    Is that that blueish green colored book where a family (or people) are having a discussion?

    It's a green book where a two couples (one JW) are having a discussion, it's probably the one you're thinking of.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Jehovah's Witnesses In the Divine Purpose" is just one of the books on the "WT BS CD," which is distributed worldwide for free by apostates.

  • NeonMadman
    For forty years prior to 1914 they had been pointing to this date through Scriptural developments. Now as factual evidences began to appear to verify the conclusions they had reachedd by this Bible study, they were certain that October 1, 1914, brought a legal end to the 2,520 years of Jehovah's tolerance of the sovereignty assumed by the Gentile nations over the earth; that legally the "end of all nations" had come in 1914!

    Now there's a very carefully worded quotation. It clouds the fact that for forty years the Bible Students had been predicting, not the legal end of the sovereignty of the Gentile nations in 1914, but the actual destruction of those nations and the ushering in of God's kingdom over the earth at that time. That prediction, of course, failed utterly and was subsequently pronounced to have been fulfilled "invisibly" in the heavens.

  • TheListener

    That book is definitely hard to find. There were only about 500,000 copies printed. It is chock full of misinformation and crap about the society. It's the most white-washed history I've ever seen the WTS do. My family also did the parts during family study.

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