Wedding jitters

by sass_my_frass 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Okay, I've got the frock, got the man... got the guy to bring the papers, it's all sorted. Finalised the numbers, faxed off the menu, programmed the iPod, waxed the legs... and it's not saturday that scares me, I think it's going to be a hugely fun night. It's the fifty or sixty years after that.

    He's my hero, and I'm his sweetheart, and I'm not even thinking about how monumentally screwed up I am otherwise, because that would give me the idea that maybe it's not so wise, maybe we're rushing things a bit... I should sort things out, I shouldn't bet our lives on who I think I am now.

    Maybe all I need is reassurance from a person who has been there, and can just pat me on the head.

    * takes a deep breath *

  • PaulJ

    I think you are already over the first hurdle! So many people think in the lead up to the wedding- as soon as they get married it'll all be over (you get the sense of that cos theres so much preparation to do etc...). But in honesty your are right in realizing its just the beginning and you have many years ahead of you. Ive been married twice, and the woman Im with now is the most fantatsic girl Ive ever met.

    One thing we always abide by... without fail is to never go to sleep on an argument. Ive heard this advised from people who have been celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. The other thing we make sure we do, is do something nice for each other every day. It might just be making them a tea or coffee, but every day- make a point of it.

    The most important thing in a marriage i rekon is trust. If you trust yourself (usually) then you should know that you are doing the right thing cos you wouldnt do something that wasnt right. Alternatively you may trust your fiance more- if so- would he make a mistake like that?

    One other thing Ive learnt- never just say, in an argument, "yeah ok whatever...." always make your point. Feel free to compromise, but never give in to save bother.... in the long run its not worth it.

    Hope this helps a bit. Congratulations and good luck!!!

  • riotgirlpeeps

    You can let that breath out now.

  • greendawn

    Congratulations for the wedding for you to take so boldly this step I am sure things will work out over time.

  • happehanna

    Perfectly natural to be nervous. Try not to take one another too foregranted and do those things that keeps love alive.

    I was married for over twenty five years and its a great institution.

    Best of Luck for Saturday and CONGRATULATIONS!!

  • katiekitten

    Its normal hun. After all it one of the biggest decisions you are ever likely to make. Jitters just shows you understand the importance of it, and have not taken it lightly.

    Have a fantastic day.

  • rebel8

    I got married recently for the 1st time and I did have the jitters. I kept telling myself it was stupid, because the wedding was just formalizing a committment I made a long time ago and don't regret. It's just a ceremony. Yet there was a corner of my brain saying, "Wait! What are you doing?!" Questioning your judgement is healthy--helps to keep you from making disastrous decisions.

    So I will say the magic words to you: "Everything will be o.k."

  • Es

    Oh babe i hear you and this is my second time round and now im more scarred than the first time, I think coz i know what to look out for and im kinda seeing it in my second partner before we even get married. Hope you have an awesome day babe es

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