Jaydar - Kingdom Halls Are So Easy to Spot

by Swan 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    On our 3 day weekend my husband and I went down to Redding, California and then over to the Redwoods near Eureka. On the way across the coast mountains, we were approaching this little town called Weaverville. I saw a building up ahead on the left and said, "I bet that's a Kingdom Hall." Yep! It was. My husband is always amazed that I can tell that a building is a Kingdom Hall from so far away, or that I can spot JWs in car groups or in restaurants.

    I guess it must be a case of it takes one to know one, even eleven years later.

    Do you have any experiences of your jaydar going off?


  • RichieRich

    Generally when you see a group of mixed race people who are dressed nice- thats them.

    If you see dressed up people lat at night- thats them.

    If you see a group of young people, of all types, don't here any xussing, see any cigarettes, backwards hats, or ear rings- thats them.

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