'Every decision I make, I apply God's standards'

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    From Canada's Globe and Mail, Tuesday May 10.

    Cancer-stricken Jehovah's Witness teen explains her determination to refuse blood

    Tuesday, May 10, 2005 Updated at 4:14 AM EDT
    From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

    Vancouver ? Canada's high-profile child cancer patient is back in Vancouver's Children's Hospital, surrounded by tubes and drips and nurses who come in and out of her closet-sized room nearly every minute. Her parents are by her side, their cellphones ringing with calls from lawyers.

    At the centre of all this commotion is a 14-year-old girl with bone cancer. She is also a devout Jehovah's Witness whose desire to refuse a blood transfusion has landed her in the middle of an intense, high-stakes legal drama that has spanned two provinces.

    "I don't want it," she said, of the blood transfusion doctors will administer if they believe it's warranted. "It's based on God's word. He told us to abstain from blood and we need to obey his commandments."

    She said her faith informs every decision she makes. "It's part of my every day," she said, sitting cross-legged on her hospital bed. "I don't ever stop thinking about it. Every thing that I do, I apply God's standard to it. Every decision I make, I apply God's standards."

    Her voice, which is loud and booming, belies her frail appearance. Months of chemotherapy have turned her skin pale, and only a few wisps of blond hair cover her head. But she is articulate beyond her years, with a quick answer for every question.

    Twice she interrupted her father to gently remind him that she was right and he was wrong.

    But there is no dispute in this family about matters of faith. All three are devout Jehovah's Witnesses, a faith which interprets literally a passage from the scriptures that forbids the ingestion of blood.

    The girl can't be named because of publication bans in Ontario and British Columbia that protect her identity.

    But in an exclusive interview with The Globe and Mail, the girl talked about her determination to battle cancer in a manner that squares with her faith in God.

    "He created us and that's the least I can do for Him," she said of her desire to follow the biblical directive refusing blood.

    As adults, her parents have the right to refuse a blood transfusion. Her mother pulled out a card from her wallet that says, "No Blood," which is directed at medical professionals in the event of an accident.

    Under no circumstance would either parent ever have a transfusion, they said, even if their lives depended on it. However, their daughter can't make that decision until she is 18.

    That is how her case landed in court. When she was first diagnosed last December, the girl's oncologist warned the family he had never treated bone cancer without a transfusion. Chemotherapy affects the body's ability to replace blood cells and transfusions are often required.

    As a result, the hospital contacted the B.C. director of Child, Family and Community Service, which eventually obtained a court order allowing doctors to give the girl a transfusion if they believed it was warranted. The girl and her parents fought the order, but it was upheld by a B.C. Supreme Court.

    The decision angered the girl and her parents. They said they wanted a second opinion and the family flew to Toronto for an assessment at the Hospital for Sick Children. There they learned of a hospital in New York that has a so-called bloodless program, where the objective is to avoid transfusions.

    But an Ontario judge ordered her back to B.C. and refused to hear her request to get treatment in New York.

    In refusing the family's request, the Ontario judge said he considered the family a flight risk. The girl was flown from Toronto to Vancouver.

    The girl said she is aware that authorities don't believe 14 is old enough to make decisions about cancer treatment. She doesn't agree.

    At 14, she argued: "You can have an abortion and get birth-control pills and there's no law against that."

    She's also aware that some feel her parents have imposed their beliefs upon her. "Oh no. Far from it," she said. "It's totally my decision and they support me. My parents aren't telling me what to do. From the get-go, it's been my choice. It's me. It's my body."

    As for the B.C. Ministry of Child and Family Development, she adds: "They say they have my best interests at heart. Yet they won't listen to me."

    The girl's parents insisted they weren't fugitives when they flew their daughter to Ontario two weeks ago. The B.C. court order said nothing about jurisdiction, the girl's mother said. They were simply looking for more medical options.

    However, the B.C. ministry is not so convinced. Assistant deputy minister Jeremy Berland described the case as "enormously complicated" and remains concerned that the family could flee.

    However, Mr. Berland said the girl's doctors will do everything they can to avoid a blood transfusion.

    The girl said she won't back down from her desire to refuse blood. And she said she is angry that no judge or bureaucrat has ever asked her opinion.

    She said she broke down weeping in a Toronto courtroom last week because she was angry.

    "I was mad. No one was listening to what I had to say. That's stress enough. It was very difficult."

    Her treatment is scheduled to finish in July. After that, she's looking forward to going home to the Okanagan. She loves swimming and wakeboarding in B.C.'s Interior lakes.

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    "She loves swimming and wakeboarding in B.C.'s Interior lakes."

    Yes, I'm sure she does love that stuff. Unfortunately, she doesn't get to do it much becuase as soon as she is well enough, she'll be out door knocking.... I mean, Magazine selling... I mean... oh, never mind.

    Then, next summer, she'll be appearing at District Assemblies around North American, as part of the "let's be happy that she didn't die despite ignoring the advice of teams of doctors" tour.

  • kwintestal

    We really need legislation in place that will nip this in the bud, and will prevent this from turning into a court case every time it comes up with the JW's. It will happen happen again, in every province in Canada and everywhere around the world. I've really been concidering contacting my local politians to push this.

    If I was that 14 year old girl, I'm sure I would have refused as well. I was mature and intelligent. However, if you only are permitted to draw information from once source, your intelligence and maturity is limited to where your information is drawn from. I'm very glad I never had to go through that and am still here today.


  • Quotes

    kwin said:
    However, if you only are permitted to draw information from once source, your intelligence and maturity is limited to where your information is drawn from.

    What an excellent, concise summary!

  • JW83

    That poor girl. I was baptized at 14 & would have done the same thing. What are her parents thinking?!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    kwin...that is what I'd like my sign to say.... & separating the bible directive from the WT god directive & their need to protect their own intere$t$ only.

    Would Mr. Shane Brady of How & Associates be standing up for her if it was an abortion she wanted? or the right to choose to have a beard & remain in her family, or a piercing, or an unchaperoned date, or ...........

    Would he AND they be this champion of the freedom of choice then?


    edited to add... for them to come back with "these are the rules of our faith which we deserve the right to practice" .... someone needs to be in their face right back at them with " well, the rules of the human society created by God is thou shalt not kill....and the "don't eat blood" didn't make the top 10 !

    as remarked on another thread - the bible also says that bunnies chew their cud. .....

  • rebel8
    She said her faith informs every decision she makes. "It's part of my every day," she said, sitting cross-legged on her hospital bed. "I don't ever stop thinking about it. Every thing that I do, I apply God's standard to it. Every decision I make, I apply God's standards."

    Cult, anyone?

    I've talked to several JWs and said their inability to make decisions or stop thinking about the JWs is an indication of a cult. They all insist they do make decisions w/o considering WTS rules and don't think about it often. That's the response when you're calling it a cult. The response when they want to look righteous is the opposite, such as that above.

  • OldSoul
    rebel8: Cult, anyone?

    The sad part is, she truly believes that her God would want her to die rather than to be infused with blood. Would she have come by that conclusion without the influence of the Faithful and Discreet Slave (pen name for the Governing Body). Of course not! According to their own words, if she fed only from the Bible she would believe many "Babylonish" doctrines espoused by theologians over 100 years ago. Which is odd, because they teach the Bible is inspired of God and they teach they are not inspired by God ... hmm.

    Just kidding, it doesn't make wonder in the slightest. It makes me know.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    "It's totally my decision and they support me. My parents aren't telling me what to do. From the get-go, it's been my choice. It's me. It's my body."

    oh sweetie...then make the right choice...let them save you...

    jesus christ this angers me!!!! this poor girl thinks the society cares about her and wants her to get better...but i bet i can tell you how many times the governing b.o. has mentioned this little girl...0-1! they probably brought her up once when all this started and now she probably means no more to them than a piece of lint that you see on your jacket and then toss into the wind.

    i don't know if there's an afterlife, but if there is, i hope to god that the men who would allow a child...no...thousands of children...to die with some false hope of eternal blessings....i wish the ultimate pain and suffering upon their souls...

    luv, kitty (of the passionate for the lives of children class)

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