If JWs Are A Cult, I Believe Roman Catholicism Is Too

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek

    Does it really matter whether a particular group can be labelled a "cult" or not? If we decide that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't fit enough of our definitions to be labelled a cult, does that mean it's harmless?

    Rather than trying to match the properties of a group to the dictionary definition of a cult, we should be more concerned about the effects that the group has on its members and on the world in general. Whether it can be conveniently labelled a cult, a sect or anything else is largely irrelevant and trying to pigeon-hole a group in this way can be counter-productive.

  • Satanus

    Borg is a good analogy of the catholic church. Heck, it's name means universal. The wt is less borg like in that it doesn't assimilate things to any extent. People are required to leave most of it behind in order to enter wt world.


  • garybuss

    I'd much much much much much much rather my sons were Catholics than Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Did I mention I'd much rather?

  • minimus

    You'd rather have them that way if they weren't firm in their beliefs. Hell, Catholics won't recognize legal divorce if they don't want to. (Sounds like a JW to me). Some go to Mass EVERY day! (Worse than a JW). They adore "saints" and worship them! Their clergy's garb is oh so cult! You must kiss the Pope's ring. Say special prayers. Believe in exorcising DEMONS by reading their cult prayers. The RCC is a cult.

  • Stromboli

    Thank you minimus!!!

    If we look at the horror and guilt (past and present) the catholics have produced we have to conclude that it has been a very damaging religion regardless of the definition of "cult".

    Now for those of you that fell for "it's very different now", remember that they didn't change willingly, they had to do it because of politics and because nobody was and is going to church apart from wedding, funerals, xmas and easter..... A bit like the "new light", facts proved it wrong it wasn't them realizing it beforehand.... They would love to go back to the old days.....

    What we are seeing with JWs happended with catholic the difference is that catholics went mainstream in order to survive and jws have become stricter in order to fulfill their own mad words.....

    On a good note the effect is that catholics have no real rules nowadays so local congregations and individual can make good things. (So nothing to do with their religion) Whereas JWs can't do anything unless the GB say so....

    Anyway....how can a bunch of people dressed like that can even be let loose LOL

  • minimus

    I still like Catholic girls.

  • Stromboli

    Oh well,

    I come from Italy so I'm definately gonna agree on Catholics girls I had the pleasure many times I mean few times.... I mean I would have loved to....

  • minimus

    Perhaps if JWs are less controlling, they might be viewed no longer as a cult. I guess that's what makes RCC different to them.

  • Stromboli


    I think that JWs offer hope to people for such a good future that people are/were naively (me included of course) prepared to give them authority over their lifes, as soon as more people realize that it ain't true they will end up like the catholics (with no autority over anyone) and enter the "tradition" kingdom. The catolics are viewed as history and people appreciate more what people like Michelangelo put in their churches than what they have to say.....Personally I don't like either of them for different reasons....

    BTW there was a documentary about Michelangelo recently and I tell you that guy was a luky bastard.... around the age of 23 he made the "Pieta'", soon after the "David" and he was contending with none other than Leonardo for work!!! Raffaello was one of his pupils and he had the nerves to have arguments with the pope himself.....And he was Gay... I mean this was the period of "Savonarola" the worst inquisitor ever.... even the pope was scared of him... in fact he had to have him killed... well, he was tortured before ... a lot... just like he used to do himself to others.... It could probably be regarded as the highest pick of justice of the RCC...

  • Berean


    1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. Comment: This fits the Catholic religion following the Pope.
    2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
    2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual. Comment: Once again, the Catholic religion follows ritual - it is obvious to anyone that Catholocism is based on ritual.
    3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual. Comment: See point 2.
    4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease. Comment: The adhearents, and leaders in the past, to Chatholocism many times claim healing powers in idols, virgin Mary idols abound with so called healing powers.
    1. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. Comment: Well duhh - need I say more.
    2. The object of such devotion. Comment: See 5-1.
    6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

    The Catholic Religion is one of the largest Cults ever in existence.


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