My Book of Bible Stories

by Taylor S. 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mamacat

    My mom gave my son a copy of this book a few years back. It had been a long time since I had looked at it. He was really upset with the picture of the beaten up Jew who is helped by the Samaratan. He called him the "scary blood guy." I looked through it and couldn't believe some of the pictures. I guess since I was raised with it, I never looked at it objectively before.

    A few weeks ago, my mom sent us the Learn from the Great Teacher book. She even wrote in the accompanying note that the picture of that Jew was not so bloody as in The Book of Bible Stories book. Ugh, I threw it in the closet.

  • GetBusyLiving

    If I could ever stand for anything on this board (other than hitting on the hot married and/or taken woman ) it would be to guard your children especially from ANY Watchtower material whatsoever. The residual effects stick around long after a person has left the religion. Its tough stuff to get over and its a terribly sad thing to do to youngsters, even if it seems harmless.

  • unique1

    I was deathly terrified of the story that has the picture of everybody getting bitten by snakes. They all had to look at the pole so they wouldn't get bitten. I am still terrified of snakes.

  • Valis

    Don't forget your theocratic coloring books children..

  • GetBusyLiving
  • Pubsinger


    5 years after leaving I am now one of the owners of our local Christian Bookshop.

    The Bible Story Book is simply hideous in comparison to Childrens Bibles and Bible Story books available.

    It's amazing they only had one and it's that bad! The art work is appalling.

    Like Odrade and Mumof4 said the stuff on the market is beautiful, doesn't subtly indoctrinate and is great fun as opposed to morbid and scary.

    What's this "Learning from the Great Teacher" book like?

  • kgfreeperson

    "field service records"
    "an elder"
    "commenting at meetings"
    "informal witnessting"
    "new order family"
    "heartfelt prayer"

    are Bible stories?

    This is truly a hoot. Thank you valis!

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    Pubsinger: What's this "Learning from the Great Teacher" book like?

    I dont know. I have memories of the Great Teacher book. Can someone enlighten us ... maybe post some pics or the cover?


    PS: Pubsinger .... what's a christian bookstore owner doing belting tunes in bars?

  • Mamacat

    I'm not sure how to put a picture in my post. Here is the url to a picture I took of the cover

    It was published in 2003. It has dashes where the parents are supposed to pause and wait for the child to answer the posed question. It tells stories about the miracles Jesus performed, but it also has chapters on lessons ie

    "Is it right to fight?"
    "Should we Brag about anything?"
    "Why we should not lie?"
    "Do all parties please God?"
    "Never become a thief"
    "Our friends should love God"

    The most disturbing chapter to me is "Jesus' Power over the Demons"
    It talks about demons coming to earth to have "sexual relations with the pretty women on earth." Then, it goes on to say "The demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each other's penis or vulva. We don't want to the make the demons happy, do we?---

    One chapter "How Jesus was protected" talks about sex again, but it also does tell children about sexual abuse and how it is wrong and that they should tell if someone does it to them.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Here it is Mama .... and thanks for the link.

    To upload a picture, go to the files link under your name in the upper left corner. load the file, then when you post, click the little paper clip to attach it.

    As for this book, I've never seen it before ... but I've been out (way out) for twenty years. I seem to remember an older book from when I was young ... one other than My Book of Bible Stories. Did they ever have a pinkish colored book?

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