JillBedford 'First in Class' in Leukemia Marathon

by Honesty 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Jill finished first in her class at the Leukemia and Lymphoma 19 mile Marathon yesterday. Refusal of blood transfusions by parents is the major causes of death among juvenile JW Leukemia patients. She deserves more than an award for helping raise awareness about Leukemia and proven treatments among JW's and non-JW alike.

    Congratulations Jill, you go girl !!!!

  • candidlynuts

    i'm not aware who jill bedford is or what her story is but WOW what an accomplishment!


  • Honesty
    i'm not aware who jill bedford is or what her story is but WOW what an accomplishment!

    She posts here and promotes awareness of Leukemia. Also she and I were in the same congregation about 16 years ago when we were loyal to the publishing company.

  • candidlynuts

    ooh ok! thanks honesty!

    jill if you read this congrats and i admire your accomplishments.

  • Junction-Guy

    Congratulations Jill !!!!!!!

    David and Amanda

  • Perry

    Go Jill Go!

  • jillbedford

    You all are so awesome!!

    I won Clydedale Female Champion in the Whitestone 30k. I came in third overall female and the first Clydesdale. The Clydedale division is for female runners over 150 lbs. The thinking is it takes us heavy runners longer due to our stocky build. And it does, this race took me 1/2 hours to finish. It was a punishing course, all hills on back country roads in Roane County.

    From mile 11 thru mile 13, I was in deep prayer. Asking for strength to meet my goals, finishing the race, making a difference in the world I live in, reaching my fundraising goal to help find cure and treatment for those suffering from leukemia. The pain I was in that day matters very little compared to the pain and heartbreak endured from the leukemia patients and their familes. especially the children who struggle with this disease.

    In the racing world, I am certainly not a hero. I am slow, heavy set and make the volunteers wait while I struggle along. But like the Clydesdale horse, I am strong and detirmine. I always get there. So far, I have never DNF'd (Did Not Finish, race term, happens a bunch in the long races like the 30k)

    I sincerely hope, all of you will strive to meet your own goals to make a difference in the world we live in! Never give up!

    And to quote my sport's hero Lance Armstrong. "Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever"

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