Is This An Urban Legend?

by TheEdge 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheEdge

    I remember, MANY years ago possibly at an Assembly, hearing the story about a baptism (may have been a family being baptised). Upon being Baptised, all members of the family cried both tears of Joy (for the Newly Baptised's being Anointed by God's Spirit at that moment) and of Sorrow (as they would never have everlasting Life together in an Earthly Paradise).

    Is it Urban Legend? Did anyone else hear this?

  • Goldminer

    Never heard that one.Most likely a j/w urban legend though.

  • Peppermint

    Sounds a bit weird to me.

  • Amazing1914

    It is likely legend, because the Society make it most difficult for JWs to enjoy this feature of Christianity. If not legend, then this entire family is on the elder's watch list. - Jim W.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    ha if it did happen it must have been in the fall of 1935 just as the gates of heaven were being shut up by the watchtower.

  • TheEdge

    In my haste to recount the story, I didn't make it clear that only ONE member of the family was Anointed <sigh> and this would mean them separated for all eternity...

    .....Bethel Minute, I understood that Anointed were still being selected AFTER 1935 to replace 'fallen' ones....I have a lot to learn.

  • stillajwexelder

    mmm urban legend definitely

  • Brummie

    I remember the story (often told) about 2 sisters who sat in the 1935 convention and heard the talk about the earthly class being identified for the 1st time. Each sister had a different hope, and the one cried because she was happy to know that she was of the earthly class because she never felt she had the heavenly hope. She was relieved and delighted by the news of there being an Earthly class of "other sheep", she now understood her place in the divine plan of the ages.

    In any case, when a big doctrine is changed, you will always get an article stating how "delighted" Jehovahs people were to see the change take place. Of course, nothing is mentioned about those who were simply "horrified" by it. Re-1914 generation.


  • bikerchic

    LOL yeah kwel, and monkeys might fly out your butt!


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