Details on "Advance Health Care Directive"

by ezekiel3 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Neo

    ezekiel3 and others,

    If any of you can get a scan of the AHCD, it would be great, since most people are just familiarized with the old cards.

    There's a funny thing about it: many higher-ups, including bethelites, forget to take the "blood card" with them!

  • observer

    >>..and asked that no DPA/blood card should be completed until we receive further information from 'mother'. >>

    Is there anything new about this?

  • JustTickledPink

    I always thought the blood card was so stupid. Sorry, but it is. Always planning on that terrible accident that will be life threatning, but also planning that this world is ending and everything in it, why not just have faith in armeggedon and leave it up to the individual if something happens?

  • undercover


    Today's Thursday, service meeting day for the majority of congregations in the US. Maybe someone could go that's not all the way out and take good notes on the talk and get a copy of the card and report in detail what happens.

  • TheListener

    I have the instructions. They say "REVISED" in big bold letters across the top of the page.

    It appears that for point 3, which addresses the use of minor fractions of blood in your treatment there is a note added:

    NOTE: If the options in point 3 do not represent your choices, use point 6 (blank lines) to express your wishes, such as: "I accept all minor fractions of blood" or "I accept all minor fractions of blood except:," and then itemize only the fractions you reject. After the sentence in point 3 that reads "Regarding minor fractions of blood: [initial those that apply]," you may write "see point 6 below."


    It appears that for point 4 which addresses medical procedures involving the use of your own blood that may temporarily leave your body there is also a note added:

    NOTE: If the options in point 4 do not represent your choices, use point 6 (blank lines) to express your wishes, such as: "during the course of a surgical operation, I acceptall medical procedures involving the use of my own blood" or "during the course of a surgical operation, I accept all medical procedures involving the use of my own blood except:," and then itemize only the medical procedures you reject. After the sentence in point 4 that reads "Regarding medical procedures involving the use of my own blood, except diagnostic procedures, such as blood samples for testing: [initial those that apply]," you may write "see point 6 below."

    I hope this helps.

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