How many of the Jacksons are Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?

by booker-t 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I've read all of Firpo's books, and have communicated with him per e-mail, and he strikes me as being somewhat - to put it mildly - egocentric; he was the first man ever to discover this and that, to travel here and there, so gain access to this and that etc. The center of the Universe, whereas in fact whathe produces are things already published or more or less commonly known, or self-evident things.

    OldHippy - are you referring to Firpo or to Al Gore, great 'inventor of the internet'? LOL

  • toreador

    Blondie says:

    If a DF'd person puts money in the contribution box at the KH, I have never seen the elders give it back.


    Yeah, but they wont accept field service time. They accept money but not time, that BS IMO.

  • happyout

    I knew Firpo growing up, and his brother Ryan. Firpo is completely out of his mind, has been for years. His ego is not just huge, it enables him to take credit for damn near any information discovered in the last 100 years or so. I think it comes from having to grow up with a name like Firpo Anything he says is suspect, and I usually believe the total opposite just to be on the safe side.


  • TresHappy

    I remember several years ago (when it was Regis & Kathie Lee) Rebbie Jackson was on and she talked about her religion. She stated that just she and her Mom were still active JW's. I remember hearing also that some of the daughters-in-law were JW's, but maybe they just studied...I think Rebbie still pioneers.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    I understand Firpo describes himself as the Jacksons' "spiritual adviser."



  • under74

    *"I understand Firpo describes himself as the Jacksons' "spiritual adviser."

    Yeah, I saw him on CNN over this summer (?) and he was given that title as well as the title of "Jackson family spokesman."

    *Happyout- I kind of gathered he was a bit off...I don't know why I keep harping on this Firpo Carr thing...just don't understand why he would be allowed to go on an Islamic speaking tour with Jermaine Jackson...unless, Jermaine's actually a JW posing as a Muslim American in order to convert Muslims to Dubism...Okay, I'll stop.

  • Raphael

    I know many who have grown up as Witnesses , but nolonger associate or were never baptised or are even d'fd...such as myself who for many years still refer to themselves as JW's when fillling out hospital forms or census documents etc...kinda like nominal christians who have never really personally accepted christ as a saviour and made a commitment to christianity call themselves christians ...when in reallity they are not.

    As far as monetary contributions are be fair...if I think back to my old congregation , the contribution boxes were at the back of the Kingdom Hall , and it was almost impossible to see who was or wasn't putting money in it would stand to reason then that money could not be given back if it's source was not known.

    Being new to this site , but having read posts for some time now, I still do not understand why some seem to pick on every little thing that the WTBTS does or doesn't do ..while no longer a witness, some of the posts seem malicious. I understand peoples anger , but some of it really seems kinda harsh and almost unfair.

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