Who paid for Beth-Sarim?

by VM44 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    I had asked this question in the chatroom, "Who contributed the funds for Rutherford's
    San Diego house known as Beth-Sarim?"
    (I also asked this question in Maximus' thread, "Need Assistance re Judge R")

    Van Amberg, who was the WT Treasurer at the time, said "None of the Watchtower
    funds were used".

    I have stood in front of the house, and it is VERY large! Most of the original 100 acres of
    land surrounding it has been sold for housing development, and the house does seem
    out of place among the neighboring homes.

    One neighbor, who had been inside the house, told me that it had large rooms, and that
    the house had been there "forever"!.

    Well, it has almost! It was built in 1929, a well-known architect designed it (His name
    is given in the book "Witnesses of Jehovah")

    In a newspaper article, Rutherford said the landscaping was done with special trees so
    that the Ancient worthies,when they return, would feel at home.

    So lets see here,

    * 100 acres of land bought,
    * a well known architect to design the house,
    * a large house constructed on the land,
    * special landscaping.

    Also, there was a staff to run the house and care for the grounds.

    It seems hard to believe all of the above came from a "Direct Contribution", and that
    "No WT Funds" were used.

    Obviously, WT funds WERE used in the upkeep of the house and land.

    So, does anyone know where did the funds come from?


    P.S. There is a tax problem as well. If an contribution is made to a
    tax-exempt organization, and the funds are used to benefit an specific individual
    (here it would be Rutherford of course), then it appears that some sort of tax dodge
    has taken place. It would be interesting if anyone who knows about tax law would
    comment about this aspect.

    but it wouldn't stick, Hayden Covington would have gotten him off! )

  • TR

    Check out this link: http://www.equip.org/free/DJ564.htm


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • TR

    I wonder who owns Beth-Sarim now. Anyone know?


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Maximus

    See my response to your question in the other thread.

    Van Amburgh may have said no Watch Tower funds were used. Maybe it was Watchtower funds. Or a plain old slush fund. They still know how to conceal money even today.

    When I distressedly mentioned to Fred Franz that the Kingdom Ministry had indeed espoused the 1975 thing, he said the Society had NEVER said that. I pressed him repeatedly. Here's the km article, Brother Franz. "The Society has NEVER ..."

    I finally got it. The km was, of course, a product of the U.S. branch and published by the Watchtower Society of New York. The Watch Tower Society (mother) had never published anything that specific!

    Here's a note of interest as well. If you read the publications there were plenty of hints that the resurrection of the princes doctrine had been changed as early as 1945. But not stated publicly until 1950 at Yankee Stadium.

    Folks not following Freddie gasped as they looked around the stadium, thinking he had said the "princes" were among their midst.

    Really comical when you think about it.


  • Fredhall

    Hey All,

    Rutherford didn't need the Society to pay for that house. I bet his friends paid for the house. But, who really cares? That house is not going to get you know where in life. Are you guys is going involve your whole life regarding an old house?

  • Maximus

    Bringing this up for larc.


  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    So did anyone ever find out who actually came up with the cash for Beth Sarim?

    JW apologists argue that it belonged to Rutherford and that he gifted it to the WT society and to the "Ancient Princes"

    But where did the purchase money come from originally?

  • designs

    Some have thought it was the wealthy patron who bought Rutherford his Cadillacs during the Depression.

    You have to figure out if the Laws in 1929 restricted gifts and private funding for this sort of thing.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I suspect a wealthy donor. It is unlikely tax fraud was involved. Rutherford was the key clergy member. Look at the Pope's residence. Every

    ery Episcopal Church I know has a rectory. St. Patrick's Cathedral in NY has a palatial residence for the cardinal of NY. The federal tax code has provisions for clergy housing. The Witnesses were extremely unpopular during Rutherford's reign. I believe the IRS and even a state attorney general were monitoring them for fraud. The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover was terrorizing Witnesses. Hoover had no limits.

    The Witnesses have always had wealthy donors. They would accept money from nonWitnesses. Sometimes people just donate for what strikes them as a good cause. It is strange b/c wealth is usually acquired through education and sophistication. People leave millions to cats and dogs.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    On page 6 of the pdf, reference is made to "some brethren" paying for Beth Sarim out of their own personal funds:


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