Springmeir arrested: Drug's traffic

by chasson 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • chasson

    The information I have came from a newspaper called "The Oregonian" via a
    militia watchdog list. Here it is:


    >Deputies, feds arrest Corbett couple
    >An investigation continues into activities of a white separatist group,
    >including drugs and weapons
    >Friday, March 2, 2001
    >By Stuart Tomlinson of The Oregonian staff
    >CORBETT -- Federal agents and Clackamas County sheriff's deputies arrested a
    >Corbett couple Thursday as part of an ongoing investigation into the
    >activities of a white separatist group.
    >Fritz A. Springmeier, 45, also known as Victor E. Schoff, and his wife,
    >Patricia Springmeier, 46, are accused of first-degree manufacture and
    >distribution of a controlled substance, and conspiracy to manufacture and
    >distribute controlled substances. They are being held in the Clackamas
    >County Jail.
    >Agents from the FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
    >as well as sheriff's deputies searched the couple's home on Groce Road for
    >several hours Thursday, said Deputy Angela Blanchard, spokeswoman for the
    >Clackamas County Sheriff's Department.
    >Blanchard said police seized equipment used to grow marijuana, several
    >weapons and white separatist literature. The weapons were not "anything
    >illegal to have in your home," she said.
    >Fritz Springmeier was known for writing books and tracts on the beliefs of
    >the Christian Patriot Association, an ultra-right-wing group based in Boring.
    >"He does a lot of public speaking and proclaims himself to be a self-employed
    >author," Blanchard said.
    >Last month, police arrested three people in a Sandy-area home and seized
    >military-style weapons and 50 marijuana plants. Two of the people were
    >released, but a third suspect, Forrest E. Bateman Jr., 29, is being held at
    >the Justice Center Jail in Portland on outstanding warrants for previous
    >charges of assault and illegal possession of an AK-47 assault rifle.
    >In the Feb. 9 raid, agents also seized a small amount of ammonium nitrate and
    >fuel oil, and literature affiliated with the Army of God, a white supremacist
    >group connected to the 1997 bombings of an abortion clinic and a gay
    >nightclub in Atlanta.
    >Blanchard said Fritz Springmeier and Bateman met at a Christian Patriot
    >Association meeting several years ago.
    >"We think that part of their supplemental income came from selling
    >marijuana," she said. "We believe they were very close and worked
    >in concert together to operate a marijuana grown operation."
    >In November, federal agents arrested six members of the Christian Patriot
    >Association on accusations of operating a $186 million "warehouse bank"
    >scheme in Clackamas County that allowed 900 people across the nation to
    >hide their money from the Internal Revenue Service. The case has not yet
    >come to trial.

  • Maximus

    Excellent, chasson!

    Fritz Springmeier has been a loose cannon, and a thorn in the side of honest researchers, particularly regarding the so-called Illuminati and the Watchtower. Has caused many to assume that others are similarly misguided, and it has actually generated sympathy for the Society, who can easily point out how stupid some of his work is.

    Time after time, those of us who have actual knowledge refute what he says, only to have him say "Prove it." Like saying George Bush murdered two women before his was married, you say it isn't true, Springmeier would say "Prove it."

    Please don't give me the "Well, it COULD be routine."

    I'm sure Jim Penton will share my interest in this article. Fritz Springmeier has not only sold drugs, but uses them to hallucinate. Now we know ...


  • Kent
    >Fritz A. Springmeier, 45, also known as Victor E. Schoff, and his wife,
    >Patricia Springmeier, 46, are accused of first-degree manufacture and
    >distribution of a controlled substance, and conspiracy to manufacture and
    >distribute controlled substances.

    If he used his own drugs, that would explain much of his "research". I hope this will stop this guy from printing more drivel, making the vord "researcher" smell like rotten fish!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • sf

    Springmeier speaks of he and his wife's arrest:

    < http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3aa6c28d767f.htm

    Which is from this site:

    < http://hermes.spaceports.com/~eddy4god/Fritz.htm

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