Is There A God? Who Cares?

by Kent 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    The question is not that important. A better question is "Is there a known God?"

    I don't care. In both cases, a person can't obey God. Arguments this applies to are: The universe must have been created by a god, the universe must have been designed by a god, and humans must have been designed by a god.

    Of the millions of gods who might possibly exists, some support abortion and some oppose it. Some support universal medical coverage and some oppose it. If you can't nail down which God is out there, you can't get moral standards from it.

    Back before Christopher Columbus, people probably debated the existence of land on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. These debates were amusing, but unimportant. It is not until someone actually goes there that anything interesting happens. Prior to that it is just an intellectual debate of no consequence.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • logical


    And you KNOW it.

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Kent, why is it that you produce such a blizzard? Why in the world start a thread like this after all the others you've started?

    Good posts get buried in the process, shoved way down the board, makes it very difficult to find them.

    You have a keen nose for what is good.

    Censor yourself by presenting the best and forgetting the trash.

    Like Farkel, I believe you would maintain your credibility better as owner of a website too. Use your power wisely rather than thoughtlessly.

    Surely you do not want to turn away more persons than you attract. That's self-defeating.


  • Free2Bme

    Well Kent
    I didn't find your question at all offensive. What you said made sense to me.
    Personally I prefer to believe in God and I think all mankind have an in-built spiritual need that was put there for a reason. Natives in distant parts of the globe worship the sun or stars or a carved pole because they recognise an urge to thank, pray to and give reverence to something. They didn't find God in a book of rules. Teach them to be good christians and they go to war with a neighbouring tribe who happened to be discovered by a moslem.
    Religion is just another excuse for starting a fight.
    Somehow we have lost our true connection with God and the key in my opinion is simplicity. Strip away the hype and the culture of 'my God's bigger than your God' and just try and find a way back to him out of your own heart and spiritual instinct.
    We should all care. But it is our choice whether we believe or not.


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