How Should I Do This?

by Wolfy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfy

    Okay....In a few weeks we(wife & kids) are going to visit my parents. They have been JW's for a long time...

    A little back-ground info...A couple of years ago I said the hell with being a JW..Grew a goatee (wife said it made me look evil..:) and wanted nothing at all to do with being a JW..Elders actually left me alone for the most part...Talked to my parents...My mother kinda freaked but my Dad said basically that he understood and that I gotta do what I gotta do ..Said if he could help I could
    I have changed alot in that couple of years on the inside..How I feel and think...I am re-examining everything related to JW's and have found many very disturbing facts..I want to talk to my parents about them but I am not sure how to go about it...My mother is the emotional type..Doesn't get to deep if you understand my meaning...My Dad on the other hand was an elder for many years and is an analitical type person...Very down-to-earth.....Anyways...Does anyone have any suggestions how I can talk to them about what I have found out without them freaking out and calling me apostate?



  • noidea


    I suggest taking your Dad out. Father & Son explain to him your feelings. Let him know at the beginning when you left it was different more of a rebellion. Tell him just what you told us and pour your heart out. Be true to him and yourself. You have nothing to loose only his respect for being honest to gain.

    .My Dad on the other hand was an elder for many years and is an analitical type person...Very down-to-earth.....
    Having an inside track on things he may know where you're coming from.
    Be sure and let him have a drink or two before you begin!
  • noidea

    C'mon guys,

    Wolfy reached out for some support, How about a little! We are not slipping back to the Jdub way now are we. I know everyone loves the "white trash bitch" and the "asshole wars" post but how about a little compassion.
    I'm with ya, wolfy.

  • peaceloveharmony

    hey wolfy, i don't have any advice to offer since i haven't told my parents any of the truth i've discovered about the truth. too chicken and afraid they will really start to shun me then. all i do is just love them and try to stay close to them. but i so want to share with them what i have learned....because the freedom is GREAT!

    anyway wolfy, sending hugs and warm thoughts your way wishing you the best with your family situation.


    ps. glad you ventured into chat the other night. was great to talk to you. see you in chat soon

    "Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
    -Sharon Monplaisir

  • Mulan

    Hi Wolfy, I think noidea gave you some good advice. Talk to your Dad.
    Since your Mom is emotional, you will likely get nowhere with her. I know several women like her, who won't see anything I tell them, becaue they are JW's for emotional reasons, that have nothing to do with logic.

    Just be nice to Mom, and talk to Dad. Maybe he can get through to her.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • safe4kids

    Hey Wolfy,

    Thanks for sharing with us what's going on with you. I really don't have much to offer in the way of good advice...none of my JW family members will really speak to me, much less give me the opportunity to point out any WTS errors. And even if they allowed me to get that far, anything I said would fall on deaf ears. I do agree with the advice to approach your father; who knows, you may find out he is more sympathetic than you thought....

    Like Harmony, I send you warm thoughts and hopes for the best
    Welcome to the board and please let us know how things turn out.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Wolfy

    Thanks everyone!.You have given me a couple of ideas. I think when I'm there I'm going to have to feel things out a bit but taking my Dad out for a drink is a really good idea..He loves to have a beer or two and maybe that will loosen things up a bit. I hope they don't expect us to go too the meeting while we are there...

    Thanks for taking the time out to reply to my post and thanks to those who read it as well...This is new ground for me and it helps when others who have gone through this already give a few pointers...

    I will try to drop back in chat in the next couple days...Interesting discussion the last time I dropped in eh Harmony?lol



  • peaceloveharmony

    wolfy, taking your dad out for some beers is a good idea. the beer will hopefully help loosen up some of those borg imposed thinking restrictions good luck!

    i gotta tell ya wolfy, the chatroom sure is crazy! for some reason the topic of conversation always comes back to SEX! hmm, i wonder why that is? anyway...will be looking for ya in chat.



    "Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
    -Sharon Monplaisir

  • jurs

    hi wolfy,
    i am not sure how you should go about this either, but here are a few ideas. go about it slowly. maybe 1 or 2 points at a time. i would also start with just your dad. really know your information , do your homework, and also know what the JW response will be. Blow the dust off your reasoning book because it will help you know the jist of how he might respond. try not to get emotional. Be courteous and LISTEN to him as well. if the conversation starts to take a turn for the worst drop the subject. Try to find common ground. you grew up a JW. use your training !!!! Good Luck....jurs

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