Public Meeting Talk Titles - Listed by Subject.

by Blueblades 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Blueblades

    I have over 116 public talk outlines provided by the Society. The list of talk titles for outlines provided by the Society is arranged by subject to help the elders more easily identify the public talk outlines that fall into a particular category.It is designed to be used with the S - 99 form.This is for congregation use only.

    Here are the Public Meeting Talk Titles Listed by Subject.

    Bible / God 10 different talks on this subject.

    Christian Standards / Qualities 14 different talks on this subject

    Evangelizing / Ministry 5 on this one.

    Faith / Spirituality 13 on this one

    Family / Youth 10 on this one

    Kingdom / Paradise 21 on this one

    Last Days / God's Judgment 13 on this one

    Religion / Worship 17 on this one

    Trials / Problems 6 on this one

    World / No Part Of 15 on this one

    Most of these subject talks were not directed at the public, they were directed at the rank and file.

    For example:Each talk starts with a note to the speaker in a box format at the top of the outline.The first talk on my list is under the subject of " Faith and Spirituality", there are 13 different talks under this one subject. The very first talk listed in the public meeting titles is "How Well Do You Know God", and it is the first one listed under this subject of Faith and Spirituality. Here is what the note to speaker says to the elder given this outline.

    "Help audience see that recognizing Jehovah involves much more than knowing facts about him. It means being intimately acquainted with his purposes, deeds, qualities, and feelings. It means acting in harmony with that knowledge and assisting others to do so. Instill burning desire to know Jehovah intimately".

    Then the elder proceeds to break this talk down into five sub - sections.

    1.We have prospect of eternal life from knowing God. ( 4 mins. )

    2.What knowing a person involves. ( 12 mins. )

    3.How and why humans can truly know God.. ( 8 mins. )

    4.Examine yourself to see how well you know God. ( 14 mins )

    5.Help others to join you in knowing God well. ( 7 mins. )

    I thought that this information would help explain to many who do not know how the public talk process is put into motion.Who actually writes all these public talks, well, their nameless, its the Society.

    Over the years I have given many of these talks as an out - going speaker. As I peruse through my book of public talks I have mixed feelings as to what good was I doing back then knowing what I know now.


  • Gadget
    As I peruse through my book of public talks I have mixed feelings as to what good was I doing back then knowing what I know now.

    But you're now making up for that with post such as this, showing how much central direction the society has over every aspect of dub life.

  • Quotes

    BB, I recently added a "Talks" section to the Naiviagion Menu at the Quotes Web site, but it only has three entries (3 public talks from 3 different assemblies).

    Any way you can "share the wealth"? Wouldn't it be a nice "service" for us to have all of these talks conveniently posted on the Quotes site, complete with scans and searchable text? OK, 116 would keep me busy for the next 2 years, but maybe a selection of a few humdingers would be in order?

    Just a thought. Msg me if you want to go ahead with this.

    ~Quotes, of the "showing the havoc that just a couple of locusts can wreak" class

  • Blueblades

    Quotes,I will be very interested in having all these talks posted on your site. Just help me get them to you.


  • Uzzah


    I have been meaning to scan all the outlines but work has kept me too busy.

    I'd be more than happy to provide you with a complete set of Public Talk outlines (including funeral discourse).

    You'll just have to buy me a beer. Deal?


  • Scully

    Darn.... I used to have a scan of the Memorial talk outline somewhere.

    It was pretty hilarious to run it through those "shizzolater" type websites.

  • ozziepost


    As I peruse through my book of public talks I have mixed feelings as to what good was I doing back then knowing what I know now.

    Humans were made with, not just a sense of history, but also an awareness of the future.

    My advice is: look ahead! It doesn't do any good to flagellate yourself over your past actions, sincerely made at the time. It's what you do now that's important.

    Well, that's my take on it anyway.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • SadElder

    Here are the titles to the latest of the 'series'. Somehow I've misplace my list of the first 124 titles. It's in my computer somewhere just not where I thought I put it.

    125Why Mankind Needs a Ransom
    126Who Can Be Saved?
    127What Happens When We Die?
    128Is Hell Really A Place of Fiery Torment?
    129Is The Trinity A Scriptural Teaching?
    130The Earth Will Remain Forever
    131Is There Really A Devil?
    132The Resurrection - Victory Over Death
    133The Origin of Humans - Does It Matter What You Believe?
    134Should Christians Keep The Sabbath?
    135The Sacredness Of Life And Blood
    136Does God Approve Of The Use Of Images In Worship?
    137Did TheMiracles Of The Bible Really Happen?
    138Live With Soundness Of Mind In A Depraved World
    139Godly Wisdom mA Scientific World
    140Jesus Christ - Earth?s New Ruler
    141Human Creation?s Groaning - When Will It End?
    142Why Take Refuge In Jehovah
    143Trust in The God Of All Comfort
    144A Loyal Congregation Under Christ?s Leadership
    145Who Is Like Jehovah Our God?
    146Use Education To Praise Jehovah
    147Trust In Jehovah?s Saving Power
    148Do You Share God?s View of Life?
    149Are You Walking With God?
    150HowReal is God To You?

    Jehovah ls "A Secure Height? For His People

    I don't have these outlines in my arsenal yet.

  • blondie

    My hubbie always says there may be 151 talk outlines but the brothers are only prepared to give 30 of them and you hear them over and over and over.


  • Blueblades


    Note to Speaker:Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth. Good balance should be observed in this respect. Doctrinal points can be presented as beliefs of the deceased, which served as motivation for him. Purpose of the talk is to uphold Jehovah God as a God of love and mercy and at the same time bring comfort to the bereaved.Use of a song such as No. 102 ( 53 ) or 187 ( 93 ) is optional.A brief prayer at the close is fitting. When arrangement is made to go to the grave, it is well to consider quite briefly the hope through the Kingdom, reading one or two scriptures, such as Job 14:14, 15 and 1 Corinthians 15:54b - 57. This service may be closed with a prayer, thanking Jehovah for the resurrection hope, which is of great comfort. The talk need not exceed 30 minutes.

    So, this outline controls what a speaker may or may not speak about the deceased.


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