Adult orthodontic patients...anyone?

by razorMind 4 Replies latest social current

  • razorMind

    I have a question:

    If you have a retainer, do you wear it?

    I haven't worn my retainer in about six months, and the periodontist told me on a recent visit that I need to go ahead and wear it, or my teeth will all revert back to their original positions (not pretty; my teeth were pretty busted-looking before braces) He says that because I'm an adult it will happen much faster than a child's or teen's.

    I've tried unsuccessfully to keep it on for sustained periods for the last 24 hours, and it just hurts too much to wear. I have to keep taking it off and swabbing parts of my gum with Orajel. Could my teeth already have shifted in the last 6 months, or do I just need to get used to wearing it again?

    It has been uncomfortable from day one, but the orthodontist claimed I needed time to adjust to it. She's trimmed it down twice in an attempt to make it more comfortable to wear.

    I really, really, really hate the way it feels and I don't think the ortho can trim it down any further. It's the clear all-plastic tray-type that's like a mold of each individual tooth---it has no metal on it. I'm not sure what to do about this.

  • kls

    My son wears a retainer after getting his braces off and i know he has no discomfort wearing it. Yes your teeth need the retainer to keep them in line but it should not be causing pain. I think the retainer is not fitting your mouth correctly , try taking it to another orthodontist and see what they say about it's fit. Something is not right

  • codeblue

    Hi Razormind!

    I was an adult orthodontic patient.

    I had no problems wearing the the clear plastic retainer and did so at night probably for 2 years after my braces came off. My retainer was NEVER uncomfortable....sounds like your shift might have occurred rather quickly. You have already paid a mighty sum for your braces, if need be, your orthodontist can put them back on, FREE of charge, till rectify the matter. Your teeth are quite an investment!!!

    I have a permanent retainer on the bottom teeth......otherwise they would have reverted back almost as soon as the braces came off.

    How long have you had your braces off???


  • razorMind

    I'm thinking hard....I was still pregnant when they were taken off, so I'm thinking maybe last November-to-January-ish.

    Can they really put the braces back on for free? I'd think they wouldn't have to stay on for long, am I right? Also, if wisdom teeth are removed after the retainer's been made, would the retainer have to be redone to accomodate the changes?

  • codeblue

    I would certainly ask my orthodontist those questions........heck, you paid a lot for his/her services...and they should be guaranteed especially IF your wisdom teeth were removed AFTER the retainer was made, that means, your teeth had room to shift.

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