What happened to first century prophets?

by ezekiel3 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ezekiel3

    The new testament is littered with prophets, prophecy being one of the gifts of the spirit. This question is for JW doctrine and non JW Christians alike. What happened to what they prophecied? Should not their words have become canonized? My research on the WTlib is coming up pretty shallow. Please inform me.

  • Nosferatu
  • JCanon

    In the Bible a "prophet" is not necessarily someone who utters a new event that is supposed to occur in the future, but generally someone who explains things, sort of a teacher. So many of the "prophets" were those who were expertly explaining doctrinal issues already written, not uttering new prophesies. So these is nothing missed in the Bible.

    The "gift of prophesy" is part of the gift of understanding spiritual things.


  • peacefulpete

    Various charismatic "gifts" were attribited to members and leaders of a number of Mystery cults of the time. The common folk then as now loved sensational stories and magic. The educated Romans rightly derided the common folk for their credulity. Tales written in the second and third centuries about what happened "in the early days of the Church" fill the book of Acts and Gospels. Paul (whoever he was) was apparently dealing with the situation in Corinth of pagan charismatic activity in the new Christ Cult he started. He both objects and condones the practices in the same voice.

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