jw's and holidays

by prgirl79 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • prgirl79

    I was with a ex-jw for 5 years or shall I say disfellowshipped but still never moved on! Anyways the whole time we were together No birthdays, funerals, weddings (only reception not church), thanksgiving, christmas. I always felt alone and like i would offend him celebrating these things. It always felt like a lose lose situation. Totally one sided. thought the reasons they gave were simply not good especially with their explanation of birthdays. Also not entering churches for funeral or wedding services. According to them it has pagan roots. I honestly felt that not going to a wedding or funeral service was ridiculous and rude. If someone i cared about passed away my ex would be outside!!!!!!!!!!

    What are your thoughts about holidays etc since you have been out? Do you celebrate those things now enjoy it?

  • xjw_b12

    prgirl. Wife and I have been out approaching 10 years. Once we left, we decided to acknowledge all the events we weren't allowed to do as JWs, without any misgivings. Birthdays for the kids, are important, and CJ goes all out at Christmas, with decorating the house and tree, and having an open house party.

    Next to Christmas, our biggest celebration will always be our Wedding Anniversary.

  • rekless

    I met a wonderful woman who celebrates everything so I now celebrate all the holidays and those in-between!

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I love Christmas. I felt funny the first time I celebrated it, but the following year was much better. Now I look forward to it and go all the way with decorations and everything.

    JW's not going into a church for a wedding is so stupid and hurts the couple who sent them an invitation. No parents on either side of my family would go to my son's wedding cause it was held in a church. They went to the reception and had the guts to say that some people were rude to them. HELLO????? Why do you suppose that would happen?

  • lovinlife

    I remember when my grandfather died. My parents were having a tough time deciding if they were going to enter the church or not. (My immediate family are the only ones that are JWs) I was already on my way out, so I made it clear that I was going into the church to pay my respects and to support my very loving grandma. I told dad that he could do as he chose. He tried right up til the funeral itself to convince me to stay out of the church. I was well into adulthood at the time and told him that I had made my decision, he could do what he thought was right for him. They ended up going into the church, but were miserable about it, and this caused quite a bit of hurt.

    Now that I am df'd and totally free, I celebrate holidays, especially Christmas. I love Christmas!!!!

  • Joker10

    If somebody host a good holiday party or whatever, then i'm there. Since holidays is another thing made up by people it is not important to me.

  • desib77

    I get so excited about the holidays....I'm like a big kid..I even put up the xmas decorations before thanksgiving this year...just couldn't wait.....


  • Dan-O

    I was kinda bummed that my sister didn't attend my wedding, as it was held at a Catholic church.

    As for the holidays, my family does celebrate them. I still find it difficult to really get into them as much as Mrs. O & the kids seem to. But, I'm there ... dragging all the boxes of decorations out of the basement at Christmas, helping color eggs for Easter, handing out Halloween candy, etc. To me, they're all just another day ... but they make for a handy excuse to eat a great meal & have an extra drink while doing fun stuff with the family.

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