
by ChileanRick 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChileanRick

    When I was a teen I started to go to the KH, and one of the things that made me feel bad was to see how the publishers were teached at the Service Meeting how they must ask for money to the people on the "field" service. Maybe you remember there was a "price list" for the literature, and all the publishers had a goal to get each month, I mean, the special pioners must "place" for example XX books and XX magazines, regular pioners X books and XX magazines.... etc.. Of course I asked the JW who was going to my house for Bible studies about this, and I remember he told me it wasn't a "commercial" work. I believed him, and a little time after I was selling books and magazines to the people.

    Now, we don't ask a contribution directly to the people, but the WT is always looking for money from the publishers, and here in Chile there is a letter that the organization sent to all the elders asking why the congregations are sending too little money to the branch office. They compare the money they received before when there was that "price list" and now. Of course the donations are so less than before.

    What do you think?


  • avishai

    I think people are finally waking up to the fact that they are slave labor for a publishing company

  • xjw_b12

    Well Rick, if the congreagations are not "contributing" enough to cover the "cost" of the literature, than the Branch Office is going to insist, the congregation make up the difference from their bank account, or they will stop sending literature.

    Just like in America.

  • blondie

    I heard similar complaints after the "donation arrangement" started. Their concern was mainly about special order things such as videos, CDs, large book items such as the Insight volume and specialty Bibles. The response to that was that if publishers were ordering these things, they would need permission from the elders, especially if it was "known" they did not contribute. If they can do that with individuals, refuse to let them order, I can see the WTS doing that with whole congregations.


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