April 15th Watchtower and Hebrews chapter five

by JeffT 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JeffT

    Hebrews 5: 11-13

    11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.

    Witnesses are fond of quoting this scripture (or at least they were) when they are talking about ?getting ahead in the organization? i.e. becoming an elder, CO, pioneer, whatever. Yet the way the watchtower runs things there is no room for the individual to grow in his spirituality. He must take whatever the Watchtower gives him with out question.

    The other day I picked up a Watchtower and Awake that had been left at a bus stop. Its hard for me to read this stuff, I?m sure Blondie will have some good comments when she gets to the study articles in the 4/15 WT. Both these articles deal with ?kindness.? The second article as these subheadings: ?Kindness within the family? ?Kindness in the workplace? ?Kindness at school? ?Kindness to neighbors? and ?Kindness in our Ministry? ?Kindness at Congregation Meetings.?

    Has the average dubs brain become so atrophied that he has to be told to be nice to people? Not only is the Watchtower down to serving milk, not solid food, they?re putting it in sippy cups so nobody makes a mess. This is food in due season? It?s recycled mush.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It amazing how much of what's printed, especially in the WT articles for study, is aimed at behavior modification, and presented at such an elemental, really condescending level. What seeps out via the subtext of all of this is the contempt the boys in Brooklyn have for the average dub's intelligence and the general level of spirituality of their flock.

  • willyloman
    What seeps out via the subtext of all of this is the contempt the boys in Brooklyn have for the average dub's intelligence and the general level of spirituality of their flock.

    Right on, as witness the annual instructions in the KM about appropriate motel behavior during the convention... Of course, they probably should have contempt for "the average dub's intelligence and the general level of spirituality of their flock." Many JWs, including a surprising number of elders, are deficient in both these areas.

  • sonofapreacherman

    The watchtower tone of rhetorical-question teaching has been so drummed into me that I often find myself lecturing my young son along the lines of, "Now would a boy who truly wanted to be good do this..." When I hear that witnessy voice rise up from somewhere within I pause, gag, and try to find an alternative way of phrasing things -- despite what seems to have become second nature regurgitation.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    What seeps out via the subtext of all of this is the contempt the boys in Brooklyn have for the average dub's intelligence and the general level of spirituality of their flock.

    I used to think this until I accomplied the ex on one of her bible studies with a young gal named mary anne.... sweet, gal, dumb as a turnip...

    we would read: Jehovah is the name of God.... question: what is the name of God? and she would sit there stupified and truly not get it. and I remember thinking how could these questions get more simple...but there are really people out there that need things spoon fed to them and that is why they are called sheep... one of the dumbest animals on earth... .the way I figure it, anyone with a few lose neurons can figure out the JW con eventually and either leave, get the boot or take advantage and become leaders in the movement.... they actively seem to weed out anyone with a questioning mind despite the borean horse $#!+

  • DanTheMan
    .” The second article as these subheadings: “Kindness within the family” “Kindness in the workplace” “Kindness at school” “Kindness to neighbors” and “Kindness in our Ministry” “Kindness at Congregation Meetings.”

    I can only imagine the accompanying pictures to this article - big fake smiles, ultraconservative attire, lots of flowers. Oh yeah I was just dying to get magazines with articles like this one into peoples' hands when I was a dub.

    Good point about behavior modification, Room 215. It's relentless.

  • Flash
    Has the average dubs brain become so atrophied that he has to be told to be nice to people?

    Atrophied by design. The progressive dumbing-down of the congregation is both deliberate and calculated. It leaves a vacuum in the thinking abilities of any Witnesses who doesn't fight to keep their minds clear and focused.

    Not only is the Watchtower down to serving milk, not solid food, they?re putting it in sippy cups so nobody makes a mess.

    This was FUNNY!

    ...the WT articles for study, is aimed at behavior modification, and presented at such an elemental, really condescending level.

    Your right, behavior modification is the goal. Combined with social engineering to produce the GB's vision of a Spiritual Master Race. Condescension is ALL they know. Their elitists dealing with the ignorant rabble beneath them.

  • little witch
    little witch

    In other words...the public ain't receptive to zeal!

    "Start off slow"....open the hanger....the airplane is coming!

    No matter how hard they try to regurgitate this to the nestlings, it is still over-chewed worms...

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