simple but bad plan

by tenrats 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • tenrats

    stay with me on this plan if you dare.i have heard that if one were to leaflet cars at a kingdom hall the elders will come out and remove the leaflet from the windshield. is this correct? i hope so. here is my plan, park a car among the members cars and leave a window down.leave a bible, watchtower, whatever, this will help make it seem like this car belongs there.two cars would be better

    you want these cars to blend in. .double the fun now make sure you have your leaflets printed on bright paper.go ahead and leaflet the cars but on your bait cars you slip the leaflets through the windows onto the dash a ways away from the window so they will be seen by the clean up crew. you want them to really lean into the car. in the back seat hide a vidio camera so as to catch the person going into YOUR car to remove the apostat material .when the meeting is over call the elders over and tell them you have them on tape stealing and if they dont put the leaflets back you will charge them with theft. i can see it now the elders putting leaflets back onto the windshields so as not to be charged and you still have the camera? why not vidio that?

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    First you have to catch their attention. I don't think that you can. They probably are not interested enough to do anything. In the USA they know better than to go into someones car. Everybody is lawsuit happy.

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