two terrible sonnets on tax-week

by gitasatsangha 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • gitasatsangha


    Dear IRS I procrastinate
    till April hits mid-stride
    and by then I am almost late
    to hold back the sickening tide

    of numbers and figures, banalities
    vast waves of interest deduction
    at the knowledge I must pay penalties
    then my mind halts all production

    shall I unbutton my jeans and bend over
    for the Internal Revenue Search?
    will they put me in jail moreover
    where the same thing can happen but worse?

    I am so befuddled by taxes
    I'd rather juggle two-headed axes


    I pray to the gods for boons in prostration
    the Goddess of Brains comes before me
    I offer Athena my used Play Station
    She agrees to check out my 1040

    and lo! hope lies in two decimals
    misplaced to the left of a dot
    my shouts of joy ring in decibels
    waking everyone alseep on the lot

    I wont have to sell half my gonads
    or barter my blood till I'm dry
    Not yet will I live like a nomad
    A tax fugitive till I die.

    Now my heart is glad, and the sky is sunny
    I met a goddess, and the Feds owe me money

  • gitasatsangha

    you all wouldnt know a good-lousy sonnet it if stripped naked, coated itself with honey and glitter, and gave you a lapdance while singing "lousy-good sonnets are here again"

  • talesin


    First, I was LMAO !!!! at your sonnets,

    Now, I am ROTFLMAO !!!! at your post beneath.

    Thanks for the laugh, the sonnets were excellent !


  • gitasatsangha

    thank you Talesin. Now I can finally wash this honey and glitter off

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