Stopped at the 7-11 and guess what I saw...

by TresHappy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Upon my leaving this morning. A very nice, theocratic 4-door SUV pulls up and out get 4 males, three adults, one child, all dressed in their Saturday morning finest. The look on the child's face, (he looked to be about 8) was one of misery. Looked like he was just scolded by his father. I thought, could it be???, then I saw a folded tract in one of the man's shirt pockets. My goodness, it is them, it is!!! Four able-bodied men from the local congregation! Seriously though, I felt pity for the little boy. He was in a suit and looked so sad. My thoughts are with this kid...

  • Shutterbug

    Thousands of Witnesses kids have been forced to do things they did not wish to do. Now that I look back, it seems to come awful close to child abuse. Bug

  • xenawarrior
    it seems to come awful close to child abuse.

    I agree. And that's what I used to tell them when they came to my house. I remember one time when they came out. A van full of them. This very pretty blonde woman gets out with her very cute little girl and I happened to be outside with our dogs- a yellow lab and a border collie. As I'm holding the collars of these dogs who are growling and barking- I'm watching the child's face. She had such a look of terror on her face and I felt so badly for her. I told her mother that she was doing her daughter a disservice- "look at her- she's being forced to stand there terrified as you seem unfazed by all of this and continue on with your "message" that I don't want to hear and she should be out on a Saturday swinging on the swings with other kids!!"

    I remember thinking -wow- these kids are growing up learning such rejection over and over again- that has to leave a mark !! And now I know more about it and how they try to whisk that reality away under the guise of "persecution" or some other cult protection method- the effects are still going to be the same.

    Very sad indeed.


  • Dan-O

    "these kids are growing up learning such rejection over and over again"

    Perhaps, but it prepares the kids for one heck of a career as salesmen. I've never let a "no" get me down. I simply move on to the next prospect.

  • Stefanie
    Perhaps, but it prepares the kids for one heck of a career as salesmen. I've never let a "no" get me down. I simply move on to the next prospect.

    And thats what most JW's end up doing.

  • xjw_b12

    Ive said it before and I'll say it again

    JW kids were the only kids who dreaded weekends.

  • freedom96

    I spent my entire youth as a witness. Every single weekend, we were out in service, if not both days, at least one. The meeting was always there in the morning too, and sometimes we went out after that too.

    I can honestly say I cannot think of one weekend ever as a kid not going door to door. And that meant bad weather too.

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