Necessary change; my distressing situation

by LostMyReligion 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostMyReligion

    I just need to let everyone know that I need to change my screen name. If you read my topic on "Help! Help! My son wants to tell elders about me", then you know that I had an email from a board friend inadvertantly get into my family mail box, and was discovered by my JW son while visiting. He made a copy of it, and it contained my screen name, "LostMyReligion" . In order to cover myself somewhat, after being outed by him, I need to get rid of that name. I doubt he will come here, but just in case.

    I am going to return to the name I first used when I posted briefly a couple of months ago. I changed to avoid gender confusion, but I will work around that. So from now on, I will be posting as "Truman". Too bad I have to lose my post count number, and return as a newbie, but oh well.

    I have had some progress on the situation which precipitated this, and I will post it under that name. Thanks for your indulgence and understanding, everyone.

    LMR (soon to be Truman)

  • Angharad

    I've just pointed this out to Simon, he said he'll change the name for you.

  • Cautious

    Hello LMR/Truman - I was so glad to see a post from you . I had seen your distressing "help" post and I felt for you. I couln't offer any other advise other than what had already been posted. Glad to see that you will still be hanging around!

    Take care of yourself

  • Cautious

    Before you get your official name change I would like to say that your present one really struck a cord with me, as did your situation. When I was in your situation, wanting to drift away and still maintain family relationships, there was a song being played on the radio a lot which had the words "loosing my relgion" in it that used to go round in my head. It came back when I saw your name.

    I hope you can drift away. I wasn't able to due to a family member going to the elders to try and help me [8>]. But in the end it worked out, because they eventually saw the truth about "the truth" for themselves .

    Hang in there LMR/Truman

  • Simon

    Let me know if you need me to change your name - sounds like you already have another account to use. If you want, I can swap your posts over to that account.


  • truman

    Hi Simon,
    Happy to be able to speak to you for the first time. Yes, I would indeed like to have my posts swapped over to the "truman" screen name. Thanks a lot, and thanks too for this board for us to enjoy!


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