by Octavia 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Octavia

    Please tell me how things are on the homefront. Are Emu farms getting popular there? How's Deep Ellum? Is it still as cool and fun as it was 14 yrs ago? Please tell me anything and everything you think I might want to hear about.

  • Shutterbug

    Catch a flight to Dallas at the end of May and all of your questions will be answered and we promise you a good time. Bug

  • SixofNine

    Sadly, the American public was not as enthused with emu meat as the entrepeneurial-but-not-duely-diligent Texans who invested in emu's, emu eggs, land, and workboots.

    'tis a pity, cuz it's not bad meat, and taste more like steak than chicken.

    Deep Ellum is probably almost as cool as it was 14 years ago.....and probably more fun.

    Average circumference of a woman's hairdo is down by 6 inches from 14 years ago.

  • Elsewhere

    Sadly the Alamo was accidentally bulldozed and replaced by a parking lot.

  • arrowstar

    Don't you believe him!! He's tellin' stories again.

    Ain't it purty?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well the Cowboys traded for Drew Henson. So that means only one more season of Spares-Ahoy (read: Quincy Carter). The Rangers are irrelevent, the Mavericks will be one and done in the playoffs and no one cares about the Stars. So all is right in Texas.

    If you don't have an oil well ... get one.

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