Fascinating obit for Prof. Miringhoff, social metrician

by Phantom Stranger 1 Replies latest social current

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Marc L. Miringoff, a professor who invented an index to better understand
    the nation's social health, died Thursday night at his home in
    Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He was 58.

    Dr. Miringoff founded the Fordham Institute for Innovation in Social Policy
    in 1985. He achieved prominence through the development of a new report
    card to measure the nation's well-being.

    Dr. Miringoff argued that growth, inflation, interest rates and other
    standard economic variables were insufficient to adequately capture the
    state of the social fabric. So he compiled an alternative index, combining
    data ranging from child poverty and infant mortality to crime, access to
    health care and alcohol-related traffic deaths.

    In a lecture in 2001, he noted that if progress were to be measured only
    in terms of gross domestic product, the performance of the stock markets
    and other narrow economic measures we would be "missing most of what makes
    life miserable, interesting or good." His new indicator painted a novel
    picture of the nation's prosperity, confirming that economic growth and
    social progress did not always go hand in hand.

    Dr. Miringoff's social index plummeted to a low of 38 out of 100 in 1993,
    from a high of 77 of 100 in 1973, notwithstanding 20 years of per capita
    income growth. Since then, the nation has recorded progress, according to
    Dr. Miringoff's index, which jumped back to 54 in 2000 only to drop back
    to 46 in 2001.

    "It used to be that a rising tide lifted all boats, but at a certain point
    during the 70's, social health and per-capita income split apart,"
    Miringoff said in an interview with The New York Times in 2000. "And this
    may be the result of the new economy: the loss of steady, well-paid jobs
    with benefits for less-skilled blue collar workers."

    Since the 1980's, other groups have developed alternative indexes of
    social health using different sets of variables. Dr. Miringoff's social
    health index was adopted by state officials in Connecticut to measure
    social problems and formulate policies.

    But Dr. Miringoff remained concerned at what he saw as a lack of social
    progress. "We really haven't created much in the way of a comprehensive
    social policy in America for 30 or 40 years,"
    he said in 2001, when he
    peppered his audience at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism with
    statistics. He said that 17 percent of American children lived in poverty,
    and health insurance wages had worsened by 50 percent since 1970.

    "The social health of the nation was declining even during the so-called
    prosperity," he said.

  • Satanus

    Leading rebublicans breathe a sigh of relief at his passing, i'm sure.


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