
by joelbear 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I've spent a good part of the afternoon reading about the Judicial committee meeting at

    I am more determined than ever to reread the New Testament and meditate on it anew.

    Could faith in Christ be that simple? I've beginning to believe that it can. And you know what? If I was God, I would keep it simple too.



  • JeffT

    I recently had a chance to do some research on this. It appears that in the early church days a simple acknowledgment that "Jesus is Lord" what sufficient for conversion and baptism. Read also the account of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunech. The whole study took part of an afternoon.

    Yes it is simple.

  • SixofNine

    It seems to me that it can be exactly what you want it to be. This appeals to you, it makes more sense than a complicated version of faith, so I suspect if you want to, you will adopt it. You will DECIDE to have faith. It will be as real as any faith in existence.


  • God_knows

    YES, faith in Christ Jesus as the risen Lord and God in the flesh is that simple.

    You do not have to do or believe anything but that and what the bible ALONE has to tell you. BELIEVE in Him and do as He does, live to the fullest of your ability a godly life.

    Forgive me for my foolishness sweet one, blessings to you, I am not very good with words.

    I love you all!

  • Jimmer

    Yes, it is that simple. It is man (w/ religion) who make it hard.
    "Grace thru faith" - that's it!
    Any questions?

  • God_knows

    AMEN sweet Jimmer!

    Don't any of you let man's foolish rules get in the way! Just BELIEVE, love Him, and do what is right by Him and the Holy Ghost within you!

    Hugs and kisses to you all, I love you!

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