Dating rules for the mature jw. What are they?

by topcat 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • topcat

    I'm just curious. I am not a jw, nor do I ever plan on becoming one, however, after reading some posts regarding dating I was wondering how couples who are say 40+ handle it. If either had been married previously and were now single again how does one begin dating when there appears to be so much control? I mean seriously, do they actually have to have a chaperone? And who's to say if they do go out alone or on a trip together if they both agree to do it secretly? Would someone actually squeal on them if found out? Also, if they can't actually date whomever , whenever, without the intent of marriage, what happens if it doesn't work out with the first person? Are they counselled to make it work? I just can't understand how a mature person could potentially set themselves up for disaster further on down the road . And yea, what about the sex? Can you really stop a mature relationship from going there? Also, is there any time frame concerning how long you should date before you become engaged? married? I apologize if I sound too curious , but it is really hard for me to understand it all.


  • seattleniceguy

    Hi Topcat,

    Yes, as unbelievable as it may sound, even 40+ people would need to have a chaperone. And sex is definitely off-limits. Taking a multiple-day trip together would be virtually unheard of, unless planned with a group and rooming arrangements carefully worked out so as to avoid any appearance of impropriety. I promise I'm not exaggerating.

    Yes, people would squeal if they saw anything even remotely considered wrong. The couple may even turn themselves in. The conditioning is very strong.


  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent
    I mean seriously, do they actually have to have a chaperone?

    Yep! Age makes no difference. Maybe they might just get away with a little more than teenagers, but that'd be a local/individual thing. Chances are they'd be on exactly the same footing.

    Just being seen to have been alone in a house, regardless of how long, is a big problem... If it was overnight, it'd be deemed they had sex.

    And who's to say if they do go out alone or on a trip together if they both agree to do it secretly? Would someone actually squeal on them if found out?

    Assuming were talking normal loyal consciencious JW's who 'fear being disloyal to Jehovah'? ... Well, that just dosn't happen, either going away together or agreeing to a sinful secret like that.

    And yes, they'd be squeeled in a heartbeat. It'd be a big local scandle. Just the suggestion of going away or keeping the secret would be big trouble.

    Also, if they can't actually date whomever , whenever, without the intent of marriage, what happens if it doesn't work out with the first person? Are they counselled to make it work?

    They are supposed to get to know each other well in group/congregational settings before dating. If they get a reputation for being frivilous (sp?) regarding the feelings of the opposite sex (yes, they talk like that), they'll be counselled for sure. But it's not like, one date = engagement or anything that extreme.

    And yea, what about the sex? Can you really stop a mature relationship from going there?

    Yes you can ... aparently!! They're really strict on all that regardless of age. That's where all the other rules come from. It's assumed that older non-virgins have done it all before, so may not have as much of a mental barrier to having sex than younger people might.

    Also, is there any time frame concerning how long you should date before you become engaged? married?

    No, but the assumption is that the longer it goes on the more likley you are to be overtaken by passion and 'fall into sin'... better to get a move on... Also, if it's taking a long time maybe there's no intent for marriage on one party which is holding up the other party and other singles (they think and talk like that)... but there are no formal timelimits.

    Still, if there are no 'special curculmstances'... from meeting to being married... 6-9 months isn't rare, <18 months is common, and more than 3 years is a little unusual. 5 or 6 years would be a novelty.

    I apologize if I sound too curious , but it is really hard for me to understand it all.

    You'll find a lot of macarbe curiosity here... mosty from people (like me) who can't understand it all now... even though they grew up with it all being 'inculcated into their hearts' :-)

    Cheers, Max

  • cyber-sista

    I remember when a friend was dating and went to a Mcdonald's with her fiance. Another JW saw her there and reported them and they were counceled by the elders for doing that. They were both adults in their 30s with kids, etc. It was all innocent, but a big deal was made out of it. . How can you ever get to know someone if you aren't allowed to spent some time alone with them without some chaperone there breathing down your neck?

    My adult daughter who never became a JW started to date a man who was not a JW. Even though she only attended meetings occasionally she was counceled to "marry only in the lord" (even though she was not "in the lord" herself). I was counceled that I should make her do what they wanted her to do and that she should obey me even though she was an adult and her father was an unbeliever... She was expected to have a chaperone too, but no JW would chaperone them because she was not a witness and neither was he. It was a catch 22 situation and one of the many things that made me leave the Org.--it got worst than that--I am far away from it all now and glad. My daughter is happily married to a kind and intellegent man--not a JW.

  • topcat

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I'll never understand how people can be so controlled and not realize it! I've often wondered if they are so concerned about being affected by the outside world why don't they live in a colony like the Hutterites? I really wish there was a way to save these people from themselves!!


  • liquidsky

    Welcome to the board topcat & cyber-sista.

  • Tiamat

    Geez Finding love at my age is hard enough without someone else imposing a load of stupid rules upon it. I've placed so many of my own already that its nigh on impossible to meet someone! Thinking of dumping the lot and letting nature take it's course. I would be willing to wait for sex untill marriage, having abstained for a few years already, but not the rest of it.

    With love, Mike

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