I finally made the decision!!

by Dawn 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    I'm starting the support group I talked about for so long. Too many people I have run into lately have told me how much it would help them. So I'm going to bite the bullet and try to get it organized asap.

    Know what?..........It feels really good now that I decided to do it! I know that if my mom finds out that will be the final nail in the coffin and she'll never talk to me again - but I've thought about it a lot, and prayed about it a lot, and I am ready to take that risk. I think I would feel better knowing that people are being helped than I would be holding back just in hopes mom might actually someday accept me in spite of that religion. She made her decision - and I have made mine. And I feel so good!........relieved.......and excited.

    Wish us luck - I'm hoping we get enough people to turn out - and I'm hoping to find some "guests" to come and talk to the group about exiting cults, etc.

  • JamesThomas

    Good Luck Dawn.

    I hope things work out for the best.


  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Yeah me too man, hang in there. Hope the best for you bro.

  • Sentinel

    Well that's terrific, Dawn! I think it is a marvelous endeavor and I know you will be successful. People just need to feel accepted, and a JW who is df'd or da'd, or simply someone who chooses a different path, has to basically start all over in life and build a new foundation. That can be a very challenging task.

    They will be able to progress just as long as they don't continue wallowing in their pain. That will get them nowhere, and the group will get away from the positive and slide back into the negative. Limit the time for people to express themselves at one time and then move on. Some people have a more difficult job of getting out of their rut, and if they overtake your group, then the entire group slides backwards, with complaining and blaming. I've been in groups before, and have left because this happened way too much. You will also find that some really do need to get psychiatric help outside of the group.

    Keep us posted on how it progresses!


  • Sassy

    Good luck Dawn. This sounds like a really positive thing!

  • Dawn

    Thanks all. And Sentinel - thanks for the heads up - very good advice there!

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