Why do the Democrats insist on losing elections?

by dolphman 8 Replies latest social current

  • dolphman

    I think it should be obvious to any democrat that Wesly Clark is the only chance they have in hell of seeing a democratic president elected.

    It looks like Kerry will win N.H., and Clark will most likely drop out of the race.

    As a republican, I would happily vote for Clark. I support Bush to a certain extent but i don't see things along party lines as much as I see them along what's in the best interest of the country. I can tell you someone like Clark could really make a difference.

    Bush can barely put a subject and predicate together and form a complete sentence. Although he does kill bad guys, which is important. Clark could kill bad guys too, but he's also a damn good conversationalist.

    Could someone please tell the democratic party to immediately make Clark their presidential candidate so i can vote Democrat for once?


  • Yerusalyim

    Policy wise Lieberman has the best chance of beating Bush.

    Personality wise, it looks like Kerry.

    Clark has NO CHANCE of beating Bush, nor does Dean.

    A Kerry/Edward ticket will give Bush the most trouble, but he'd more than likely still win.

  • wednesday
    Bush can barely put a subject and predicate together and form a complete sentence. Although he does kill bad guys, which is important. Clark could kill bad guys too, but he's also a damn good conversationalist.

    That is actually not true. Bush has many good points, and we all excel at some things more than others. I can't see one democrat that could have done what he has done, go after the "bad guys" and not back down. I thought Kerry was the best of the lot, but none of them have anything going except to spew Bush hatred. That would not impress me , even if i was a democrat. They will lose this election b/c they are too concerned with spewing forth hate about Bush. I would not feel safe with anyone of them as pres.

  • dolphman

    Clark is the only person the Democrats have that has functioned as a military leader as both a foot soldier and commander of NATO. (impressive).

    This fact hasn't been lost on many democrats I know. A lot of people in my age group 21-35 seem to like him, and would gladly vote for him.

    I also know a lot of on the fence republicans (such as myself) who would much rather vote for a General than any of these other idiots. (including Bush).

    He's got a background in investment banking, consulting, a west point grad...jesus he's done everything.

    No one knows who Leiberman is unfortunately. He's not a bad guy just not impressive. He's the most conservative of the bunch, but if it becomes a conservative contest bush will easily win.

  • Yerusalyim
    Clark is the only person the Democrats have that has functioned as a military leader as both a foot soldier and commander of NATO. (impressive).

    Clark is also the only candidate running that was fired as Commander of NATO (also impressive). Clark is Clinton's guy, that's all. He has ZERO chance of winning the nomination, and would have his head handed to him in the General election.

  • gitasatsangha

    For the Record, Gen Clark was never fired. He has been very forthcoming on this, unlike his detractors who know better.

    I don't think New Hampshire is make or break for Clark. He probably should have entered the race in Iowa, but that's in the past. Where Clark can start to win the nomination is in the southern states. Lieberman doesn't have a chance there, nor does Dean. I don't think you will begin to see anything like a possible winner until Feb 10. This one could go undecided into a brokered convention.

  • Yerusalyim


    He was sent packing early by the Clinton administration. In essence, he was fired, regardless of the face he tries to put on it.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    And almost no one that served under or over him has anything good to say about him.

  • Yerusalyim

    Major Faux Pax by Clark this evening. Apparently getting third place in New Hampshire, he comes out for his speech at the same time Kerry does. Not only is this a breech of protocol but it gaurantees he won't be seen by the majority of people until some time later. INEXPERIENCE at it's best.

    More directly related to the topic, I listened to Kucinich today on the Sean Hannity show, he says he would not have taken down the Taliban to try to get Usama...this guy is clueless.

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